Don't forget the Gouhne!

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Hey Awesome People,

Thanks for following this book, I'm happy to say THIS IS CHAPTER 2!!!, Hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter even more then the previous one!


Thursday 15th of March

I was doing my stupid Circus work, whilst Patrick was fiddling around with some Texta's I honestly thought he was acting like a two year old, but I couldn't care less about what he was fantasizing about I just got on with my work.


I'm deeply focused in my work until I feel some sort what I suspect is a plastic substance, Placed against the right side of my head, I turned armed with my 'For BIG Mistakes' eraser, just to find Patrick holding his Texta "invention"( aka a Gun made out of Textas ) at my head, my instincts ot the better of me I used the eraser I was holding and literally smashed the gun up until there was only three Texta's attached to each other, then Sam who had witnessed all that had just happened to see everything, then he walked over(probably curious) and asked us what had just occurred I'd replied 'Ummmmmmmmm we were just playing around' he said 'what's Patrick holding?' I said 'he's umm holding a Gouhne!' he just looked with a weird expression sprayed across his face. Then I went into my famous "Laughing Fit" I swear I giggled for the next 15minutes!


Thanks so much!!!!! And don't forget PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT ON THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!!!

Love Loads Cc

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