Patty wagon!!! YEEEEEE

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This is I think the fourth chapter TODAY?! You guys are getting VERY lucky because I'm REALLY BORED and writing so much so ENJOY!

Love Cc! <3


This day started with me so excited because it was my first day with my friend Briana at Clare!, and I had shower as soon as I woke up and as I was showering The.......Fire alarm started going?....... Weird and awkward don't you think?, well it was very weird for me but I didn't really care as I continued showering.

I asked Briana what she'd done... Well apparentely she burnt Hot Cross Buns in the toaster, thus setting off the fire alarm! GO BRIANA! 

Finally in about 20 minutes I came out all dressed and ready to meet the others!! Which are Bailey, Josh, Leah, Lachie, Tom, Sienna, Tyler and Gavin.

We introduced each other and then set off to play around and bonded the best with Lachie and Tyler and Sienna would follow us around-Shes only 6 and petrified of DROPBEARS!-but doesn't matter we didnt mind.

                                                       -Quite Awhile Later-

We had fish for dinner and then after that we set off together and played a game of TOD-You should understand what I mean-and I sat in-between Lachie and Gavin and then we played......... 15 minutes had past and then we picked our selves up and then played with sparkers and accidentally made a fire on the road and burnt it!

Then when we had used up all the sparklers we went on the HUGE jumping pillow and played on there for awhile then unexpectadly a guy in a patty wagon comes and asks us if we would like some chocolates?

Obviously we yelled in unison YES!!!! PLEASE SIR!!!!! and then he turned on the lights in front of his car and threw about 10 easter eggs and we went all in on the chocolate and then the two eldest kids josh and leia called it quits and went to join the adults.

                -After the two and the Policeman left- and then he came back-

We politely asked for a ride in the patty wagon and surprisingly he let us and half way through the ride I whipped out my Ipod and took a video tape of us screaming and laughing and yelling then he stopped and let us out but before he could drive-off we asked him for another small favour.

Whether he could take us too Cabin 60 and you know he said yes!!! WHOOOOP!! But we had to stay quiet to fool the parents.

We had finally arrived and we heard the parents snicker and jibber-jabber, until we decided it was time to come out!

The parents started questioning us and why we were arrested and we answered with "'Because we stole and impersonated seagulls""'all the parents just laughed and giggled, we did to.



I know I said I would only do 3 chapters by accident today? Well I lied I accidentally did 4 and yehh :D

Love Cc

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