Nerf Wars At Dusk -Part 1 Of 2-

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Hewwo Fellow Ejits ^o^,

I am here bringing you part 1 of 'Nerf Wars At Dusk' I do think you'll enjoy this!!!

Well I better get started!

Do Enjoy



1st Of September-

It was my birthday and well I went out with family and my best-friend Mitchell (more commonly known as 'Buddie').

We went to dinner at 'Lotus' a restaurant I've gone too since I can remember, and I had requested Uncle Pete, Baba (Buba), Mum, Dad, Isabelle, Alek, Petar and Mitchell to come.

So well we decided to order food and Alek (being the impatient 2 year old he is) well he decided to be very adorable and he, he started actually stripping (I have pictures and witnesses to prove this) and we all started laughing and choking on our Entree's and Alek he did that for about 15 minutes whilst we all balled our eyes out laughing.

                                                             -Later At My House-

I'd asked for Mitch to sleepover and he did, so it was about 10 o'clock once we'd gotten home and we were all hyper and being crazy as we were, we'd decided to play 'Nerf Wars At Dusk' and well it was Mitch and Petar (My Brother), against just ME! And well we'd chosen to play with NO lights whats-o-ever.

I'd picked my bedroom for my base, and the boys had the front living room, and well I commando crawled out of my base with a Nerf gun and I went into the back living room and hid, then I went (commando crawled) into my brother's room and grabbed a pillow, and well I got to my feet then retrieved my phone and went to the ringtone app, and put on 'Suspense' and then the boys were like 'W-w-whats that?' and I kept replying it then I ran into their base and whacked them with the pillow I had obtained and then they were like 'Ok, ok Cc we forfeit!' and I'm like 'Boom Shakalaka BOOM!!'

Then they asked me what the creepy noise was and I was like 'HAHAHHAHA I MADE THE NOISE WITH MY PHONE' and they screamed 'WHAT WE THOUGHT THAT SLENDERMAN HAD COME TO GET US!!!!'.

To this day I am 'SlenderMan' to them..............


Ok the reason why this has 2 parts is because on Saturday I am having friends over and we will be playing games and they will sleepover and we will do this! 

And something else. That you'll crack up with!

Love, Cc <3

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