To Make One Grossed Out, Is An Art

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Bonjour Ejits <3! 

Well refering to the chapter name, it is an art to gross one out this chapter shows what my class is gross enough to say!

Okei hope you like this!

---- Cieff


Practising Arts Night.

Kill Us. And Kill Us NOW!

So we are here in the spare room, with no supervision aside from the occasinal glance from Banok, Kyal, Trent, Mitch and Joe.

Ok, well we have to dance to Pump it/Afro Circus/I Like To Move It    -_- 

Yayyyy for us!

So well we are practising and then Jaimie and I go behind these big blue box things and hide then Patrick comes in and starts moaning Jaimies name like so 'Ahh Jaimie your, lips ahh' and I'm screaming 'EWWWWWW, EWWWW, EWWWWWW YUCKKKKK PATRICK GET OUT OUT OUT!!!! ARGHHH EWWWWWWWWWWW' and then Jaimie' sitting mortified by the previous scenes.

Patrick, you'll forever by distugusting! But you're one of my awesome besties! 



During the holidays at my house..... 

So I'd decided to have a sleepover!!! And had invited Mitch, Sam, James, Jaimie and Shani over and we first played C.O.D and yes the boys played first then James leave his remote and goes off and Sam is playing and Mitch didn't see the free remote so I pick it up and start playing... Well lets say I did alright but then I was like 'BUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDIEEEEEEEEEEEEE GET YOUR ASS HERE AND PLAY!'

Then we agreed on playing Hide 'n' Seek so we all run off leaving Jaimie to count, then I pull Shani into the van with me. Well we're hiding in the most uncomfortable positions imaginable, the next we know theres yelling and Mitch opens up the van slidy-door-thingy-ma-jing... Scaring the shits out of me and Shani.

                                                                 -Later On-

We decided it was HIGH time to play Murderer In The Dark, as Jaimie is new newbie we put her in the spotlight and placed a blindfold over her eyes, AND THE GAMES BEGIN! 

So well we were all running aroud in the dark like maniacs and jumping and all, then ****** STRIPPED!! (Whoever was there, or I told you knows who stripped that sad night) and well I tripped over the same blanket twice, the result of these falls led to fatal bruising, James ran into a wall causing the biggest  *THUD* in the world.

Afterwards we sat down on the couch (if your wondering how 6 people fit, we bunched up REAL close) and watched THE LOOP! And judged songs, like 'We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together' I swear we were there going in HORRIBLY high pitched voices 'WE ARE NEVERRRR EVERRRR GETTING BACK TOGETHERRRRRR, YOU GO TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS, TALK TO MY FRIENDS TALK TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' then Gangnam Style came on (back then in was incredibly popular) and we all got up and we danced exactly like the music video told us to, then when those slutty girls started 'dancing' MItch well HAD to dance exactly like shown -_- also with the 'Elevator Dude' Mitch, Sam and James went nutsssssssss dancing!

                                                               -EVEN LATER ON IN THE NIGHT- 

We'd all just had to have come up with the brilliant idea of one-by-one going into James' sleeping bag and getting dragged around the house, then spun around in the bag and finally getting lifted up unto the couch! It was horribly painful! I ADVISE YOU NEVER AND I MEAN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR DO THAT! 

Today -!3th Of November 2012-

We (Pia, Jaimie, Briana, Me, Sam, Pat, Lawson, Maria, Jasmine, Jaiden, Stella, Thy and Becca) were sitting in our usual group and well Pia decided to share one DELIGHTING story that a lovely lady shared with her Mother she started like so 'So guys my mum was working at the salon and his lady was talking and said 'I put Tampons in the bath and say to my kids 'LOOK AT THOSE MICE!'' and as we are all like dirty we all in unison curse, shun and shudder!


Okeiiiiii :) Hope you liked that,

Next chapter will be when something funny happens at school! 

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Loves you all, Lia 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2012 ⏰

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