My First Present

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After a few weeks of having daily lessons, I have definitely improved with my music writing. During those weeks, I grew very close with Gustave. He was the first person I ever truly had trust and care for. After all my sad experiences in life, I rejected people's kindness because I was too scared they would turn on me. That's why I never surpassed the acquaintance/neighbor level with the no armed man and bearded woman. At this time I considered Gustave as my friend. However, he still didn't know my face was disfigured. He also didn't know about my abusive show acts during the fairs. When he asked me why I wore my mask, I simply told him I really liked wearing it.

I was sitting in my room while writing ideas for songs in a notebook I bought at one of the carnivals a long time ago. I heard a knock on my door and when I opened it I see Gustave holding a small wrapped box. He was smiling with a strong happiness I never saw anyone have before. The amount of joy he had made me suspicious.

"Hey. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm great," He said, still smiling brightly with his white teeth shining at me.

"You definitely seem it. What's going on?"

"You know my girlfriend Mary?"

Gustave has been dating this girl for a year and a half now. I've met Mary about a week before this specific day, and she was one of the sweetest ladies I've ever seen. The amount of love and compassion she had for people was unreal. She bought food for two homeless children we saw on the side of the road when the three of us were walking around the city. She called me a sweet little boy. Nobody in my entire life called me something so comforting like that. The only nickname I ever had was Devil's Child. Also, her singing voice was so angelic you would think you just entered through the gates in heaven.

"Yeah. That nice woman I've met recently," I thought out loud.

"Yes, her. I proposed to her last night," He whispers eagerly," she said yes." My eyes widen with shock and I cup my mouth as my jaw drops. Then, I was smiling just as much as him.

"Congratulations!" I shout. The next thing that happened was completely unbelievable and surprising to me. As I lean in to hug him, he lets me wrap my arms around his body. It was the first time holding someone else closely to me. He even hugged me back willingly. All those times I tried to hug my mother, she would shove me away before I could even reach her. Having someone hug you after years of living in sorrow and solitude is the best feeling ever.

"Thank you kid," Gustave whispers in my ear.

As I pull away, he said," I actually came here for a couple of reasons."

"What is it?" I asked.

"First things first, I want you to come to the wedding and perform a song."

"Wait, really?!" I was squealing like a happy baby pig.

"Yes, really. You're one of the most talented people I know. Also, I want you to live your dream and play in front of an audience. A real audience."

"Gustave, thank you."

"It's my pleasure-" He wanted to say something but he immediately stopped himself.

"Do you have a real name?" He asked confused. The past couple of weeks he was calling me "kid", "boy", and "young fellow". Like I have stated before, my mother never gave me a name. She didn't care the slightest about me.

"No not really. My mom didn't bother naming me anything," I murmured. We sit in silence for a minute or two while we were both deep in thought.

"How about I call you Erik for now on," He suggests.


"It has to be spelled with a 'k' though. I've always been fond of that spelling of that name. I'm not quite sure why. It's different I guess."

"Sounds good."

"I wanted to give you this." He hands me the box that he was holding. I unwrap and open it. I see a stuffed animal that's a monkey with two instrumental symbols sewed onto his hands. I didn't know that this was a present for me since I have never received one before. I was very confused when I first saw it. It wasn't until a few minutes later when I realized he got this for me.

"Do you like it? Mary's sister makes toys for kids your age. I thought of you since the monkey is holding those instruments. When you cling them together, they make a sound," Gustave explained. I hit the two hands together and smiled at the sound.

"Thank you," I told him.

"You're welcome, Erik." I smiled even bigger when he said my new name. He gave me a hug goodbye and then left my bedroom.

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