Nearly Dead

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I walked back in the building with my head held up high. I tried to act as natural and confident as possible so no one would suspect anything. My posture was straight, my arms were loosely dangling from their sides, and I walked fairly quickly. Then the tall man blocked my path from going into my room upstairs.

"Where in the world were you these past few days?" He asked quietly but firmly. He squinted his eyes as he glared directly at my face. His glare looked as dangerous as the devil. A chill ran up my spine.

He looked into my eyes as if he was trying to stare deeply into my soul. I tried to look away to break the contact, but he still caught me. I thought I was going to die.

"I was here. At the carnival," I replied trying to keep my cool.

"HOW DARE YOU!" He screamed. Then he pushed a woman who was walking past him on to the floor to let out his anger on something.


He took a step closer to me and I cried out," Please! Don't hurt me!"

He then chuckled mischievously. He didn't listen to my words and swung my body over his shoulder. As I kicked vigorously, he carried me to the cage in the back of the building.

The no armed man followed us to the room. He tried to calm down the tall guy.

"Monsieur, are you alright? Why don't you relax in your bedroom?" He said to him.

"I have duty I need to get done first," The tall man said as he chucked me into the cage. I banged my head on one of the bars that nearly knocked me out. I was paralyzed with fear and couldn't move. I lied on the floor, refusing to look away from the ceiling. At this point, I was so frightened that I forgot how to breathe. They both looked as me as they tried to tell if I was alive or dead.

"Is... Is he okay?" The no armed man asked nervously. The other guy didn't respond and neither did I.

"Lucky for him, I can cut his limbs off and he won't feel a thing," the tall man said.

"Please don't stress yourself too much. You have been working hard lately."

"Thank you for recognizing my work effort unlike nobody else, but I have just one more job to do."

"Why don't I get it done."

The tall man laughed hysterically like an insane murderer. Then I looked at the two people. The tall guy eventually lost control of himself and almost fell down from cracking up.

"You have no arms! How can you cut up a body?!" He laughed.

"I will get people to. I have made a few friends in this place."

The tall man sighed and patted the no armed guy on the shoulder.

"You are a good fellow. I will go relax myself as you cut up the boy. However, I want to cut off his head at the end. Fetch me when his upper body and head are the only two things attached," the tall man said. Then they both walked out of the room.

I felt betrayed and hurt from the no armed man. Was he actually willing to cut my body up? I thought we were close enough to care about each other. Apparently, I was wrong. I needed to stand up and run out of the room. I needed to tie a rope around their throats and pull slowly so they can feel their lungs giving out on them. However, I can't because my mind is separate from my body.

My mind is sharp and alert while the rest of me refuses to move a single inch. It's like being trapped within my own body. Slowly but surely, I forced myself to take small breaths to regain my strength. Once I could breathe normally again, I tried shaking my feet and hands. It took me a while, but I finally was strong enough to sit up. Then the no armed man returned with the bearded woman.

"Oh my god! You're alive!" The no armed guy whisper-shouted. Strangely, it sounded like he was relieved and delightful.

"Thank god! You're okay! He probably just passed out or something," the woman cheered with a smile.

"Why... Why," I muttered. It was difficult to speak.

"Why what?" She asked me.

"Why did you want to kill me?" I growled at the man.

"I said that to calm him down and to make him leave. I wouldn't be able to save you if I screamed," He said.

"Oh okay. I understand."

I held a bar to support myself and stood back up. The three of us charged out of the room. When we were about to exit the building, I found a long sword sitting on a table. I picked it up and searched for the tall man's bedroom. The lady and no armed man tried to stop me but I didn't. I opened a door to a large room and found him.

"You're alive?!" He snapped.

"Yes I am, but you won't be for long," I said with a vengeful smile. I ran to him and stabbed him in the heart. He gasped his final breath of life right when the sword touched him. I screamed loud as I felt the satisfaction of the entire sword slide into his body. When I pulled out the bloody weapon, I watched his body collapse on the ground. Then I walked out of the room with a better mood. That was my last encounter with the tall man.

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