The Wedding Day

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It was a beautiful sunny day and the aroma of the delicate flowers that surrounded me were lovelier than ever. There were hundreds of people in suits and dresses. They all welcomed each other with big open arms. They also laughed with so much cheer and smiled with so much brightness. The happiness in everyone was so precious, you would have thought you stepped into paradise. It even made me, the fearful little boy, crack a smile.

I was setting my music sheets on the organ outside in the patio. This is where Gustave and Mary were holding the ceremony. Ever since the day he asked me to play a song, which was roughly five weeks before this, I have been writing like nonstop. It took me quite a few times until I finally felt completely satisfied with one particular piece. I don't quite remember the title of the song but it was something silly like Amazing Wedding or Time To Get Married. You know, something only a seven year old would name.

Everyone gathered around outside as they took their seats in their assigned chairs. People were searching for Gustave and Mary all over the place. I have to admit, I was looking for them too. Mary showed me her wedding dress the day before, and it was one of the most exquisite articles of clothing ever. It fit tightly on her upper body with tiny sequins, but the bottom half of it had a lot of lace which puffed out like a cotton ball. Mary is already a gorgeous woman when she is wearing a normal outfit, so when I saw her wear her wedding dress she looked like an actual angel.

Gustave and the priest walked up to the stand at the end of the long white carpet. He looked very clean and put together in his tuxedo. What made his presentation stand out the most was the large smile he wore on his face that showed the overwhelming amount of joy he had. He gave me a thumbs up when he saw me at the organ for good luck and I gave him one back too.

That was when the enormous crowd saw me and frowned. I knew what they were wondering. They were wondering," Why is a seven year old about to play? Are they really that broke?" I understand, I was a child wearing a t-shirt and black jeans since it was the nicest thing I had in my closet. Anyone with a decent mind wouldn't hire someone like me. However, Gustave and Mary thought highly about my playing. They really believed I would do well. Also, the only thing I had in my agenda at the time was abusive carnival shows I was forced to go through. Of course I chose to play a song for their wedding day.

That was when Mary walked out in her stunning dress. She had red lipstick and brown smoky eye shadow that made her chocolate colored eyes pop. She had very silky straight hair that rested on her shoulders. Her beauty was so radiant, I almost forgot to start playing. Once I started pressing the keys, people turned their heads sharply towards me. Their mouths dropped with shock. I glanced over at Gustave and he gave me another encouraging thumbs up. He was so proud that my talent finally got noticed. Even more proud than I was because I was completely focused on Mary's wonderful grand appearance. I played for about two minutes with everybody's attention on me. It wasn't until then I realized how great it felt to be in the starlight. It almost seemed like the people's hearts were fluttering with the sound of my music. It was truly a spectacular experience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have gathered around today for this couple's special day," The priest announced loudly and clearly when I stopped playing my song. Some people were silently crying with happiness in the audience.

"You may now exchange your vows," He said. The gleeful lovebirds then told each other sweet, heart warming sentences to each other which only made the audience cry harder. The priest then went on with a speech about caring and respecting your spouse.

"Mary, do you accept Gustave as your life long loving husband?"

"I do," She replied.

"Gustave, do you take Mary as your new beautiful wife?" The priest asked when he turned his head towards Gustave.

"I do."

"Wonderful, you may now kiss the bride."

Then the two embraced each other so closely, there was no space between them as they kissed each other passionately. The crowd cheered in excitement. It was the kiss that made me wonder if I was ever going to find love like that. I was clapping my hands until I heard everyone make their noises. Their noises reminded me too much of the joy my audience has for my beatings. So many brutal memories flooded into my head in only seconds. Next thing I knew, I bursted out of the place quickly with buckets of tears about to spill out of my eyes.

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