New Baby

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Okay so not anything happened that interesting the next few years after that incident. It was the same old story that you have heard before. I had abusive shows, Gustave gave me music lessons (he taught me when the tall man wasn't in the building), and I ate my meals with the same old people. With that being said, I'm going to fast forward 3 years later when I was 10 years old on the day when I got the best news in my life.

I was in my room, getting ready for the day, when I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it, I saw Mary. I was pleasantly surprised to see her. We gave each other a big hug. Just because I have been hanging out with Gustave the past three years doesn't mean I was seeing Mary too. In all honesty, the last time I saw her before this particular day was the wedding. I know, it was a very long time to be separate.

"It's been so long. How are you?" I asked in a greeting voice.

"I'm great, no I'm wonderful. So very wonderful. How are you?" She replied with a voice that sounded as joyful as a little child going to the beach for the first time.

"I'm alright."

"Just alright?"

"Yeah, but I'm better now since you are here. The last time I saw you was ages ago."

"I know, I missed you little buddy." Mary ruffled my hair with her hand. I smiled as I smoothed it back down. I gestured toward the chair right next to the end of my bed for her to sit. As she sat down, I closed the door behind us and took a seat next to her.

"You look awfully happy. What's going on?" I asked her.

"Erik, I need to tell you something." She took my hands in hers and held them as if they were tiny fragile kittens. If you looked close enough, there were sparkles in her eyes that glistened with the sunlight. Mary's smile was so bright, I thought it was going to blind me.

"I'm pregnant," She whispered delicately.

I gasped in delight and gave her a giant hug.

"Congratulations Mary!" I told her.

"Thank you. You're the first person who I told. Gustave doesn't even know yet. I want to do something more than just telling him that I'm carrying his child. I want the surprise to be huge, something unforgettable. You, Erik, are just the person who I want to help me out more than anyone else."

"Me? Why me? I'm nothing but a friend with a monstrous face."

She looked at me with confusion and hurt in her eyes.

"What are you talking about? You're a beautiful young boy," She spoke harshly as if my insult was supposed to be for her.

"Mary, did Gustave tell you about my disfigured face?"

"What? No! From what I remember, you told me that you wore it simply because you liked to."

It was then when I knew I could trust Gustave with literally anything. I mean, he kept my secret from his own beloved wife for years. What kind of friend is better than that?

"I lied. Behind this mask, isn't a boy's face. It's a nightmare nobody could possibly imagine." Then her happiness in her eyes dissolved into pity. She scooped me into a tight hug.

"Don't ever say that about yourself. Whoever told you that is out of their mind."

"Nobody had to tell me that. I know for a fact it is a devilish face nobody should have to look at."


"Mary, you don't understand!" I shouted rudely as I shoved her away from me. She didn't look at me with horror, but she did stare at me with sadness. People either despised me, threatened me, or pitied me. There was no in between, if you don't count Gustave. I just wanted to be treated like a normal human being.

After a while I managed to calm myself down. I remembered the reason why she visited in the first place.

"How should we tell Gustave about the baby?" I asked.

"I was thinking, we should prepare a special dinner. When we bring out dessert, there will be a note on top of a slice of the chocolate cake. His favorite flavor is chocolate. I thought it would be perfect."

"Sounds great."


That night, we cooked chicken curry and a very elaborate salad. At the carnival, the salads had lettuce and barely any vegetables on top with a weird thick dressing. This salad, however, had a pound of freshly steamed veggies. Also, the dressing was very thin and sweet. Of course, we baked the special chocolate cake.

It was just the three of us that night. Everyone loved the meal. I felt very special that Mary wanted me to help out. It made me feel like I was part of the family.

"I'm getting full," Gustave chuckled.

"Don't eat your chicken too much then. We made dessert too," Mary told him.

"Wow, you really went all out tonight," He said.

When we finished our dinner, I went into the kitchen to bring out the dessert. I cut everyone a piece of cake and put it on their own individual plates. On Gustave's slice, I placed Mary's note on top of it. It said congratulations, we are having a baby. I smiled at the message she wrote to him. I already sensed that this child was going to be in an important part of my life.

I carried it out, trying to hold back my smile so he wouldn't suspect anything. I gave him his cake first. As he read the note, I gave Mary's her and sat back down with mine. Gustave slapped his hand on to his mouth immediately. His eyes widened with shock. When he removed his hand, he smiled bigger than ever.

"Is it true!? Am I going to be a dad!?" He asked, almost about to burst into tears.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Mary replied. He wrapped his arms around her with extreme happiness as she stood up. I watched the couple embrace each other so closely. It was so adorable.

"Congratulations you two," I said. They told me to join them in their hug so I did. It was truly a beautiful night.

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