The Aftermath

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When I first murdered the tall man, I felt refreshed. The evilness that tortured me for the past three years was dead and gone. The relief and astonishment was undeniably fantastic. After about an hour or so, the feeling disappeared. I no longer felt happy, I felt extreme horror and anxiety running through me at the speed of light. My gut was twisted in a knot and my hands were trembling in fear. I thought I was going to be thrown into jail for life. I thought Gustave would think of me as a monster and would never want to see me again.

After I exited the tall guy's bedroom, the bearded lady and no armed man watched me curiously. They decided to give a peek inside for themselves, even though they knew deep down inside what was in store for them. They saw the man lifeless on the floor with blood squirting out of his chest. Surprisingly, she calmly put the body into a large bag, along with the sword. That was when I came back in to see what they were doing since they were there for a while. I helped the woman carry the bag outside as the other one followed us.

There was no way anybody could find us because we were far in the woods that was miles away from the carnival. The lady and I were digging up a hole while the no armed guy sat on a tree stump right behind the bag, next to us. It was when I finished digging that I realized, I was in major trouble.

"Oh god! What have I done?! I clearly did not think this through!" I freaked out. I really didn't want to get locked up for this. Even though I had very little to live for, the people that mattered to me was too hard to let go of. Gustave, Christine. I knew I wouldn't be able to visit them anymore if I went to jail. I couldn't bare it if that happened.

"Hey, it's going to be alright," the woman spoke in a soothing voice to ease my nerves. How was it going to be alright? I committed a terrible crime that I couldn't undo even if I tried!

"Yeah. It's not like this was an innocent person," the no armed guy told me. Even though he was right, I still was very doubtful. After all, my mom signed the contract that he could do anything with me. Even though the tall man wasn't innocent, the murder still wasn't either.

"What if this gets out around the city?! Nobody can know about this!!" I whisper shouted.

"Nobody will know. This is a secret between the three of us. Unless if you want Gustave to know," the guy told me.

I really didn't understand why they always stuck by my side. Even when I killed a man, they helped me burry the evidence and acted very friendly to me.

"Why are you two helping me anyways? It's not like I did anything for you."

They stared at each other, trying to figure out what to tell me. Then they simply replied with," we think of you as a nephew since you've been around for so long. Family cares about each other other no matter what."

I was hysterical. Too hysterical. It must have been disturbing for them to see me laugh like this. I eventually lost my breath and collapsed onto the ground from exhaustion.

"Let's get one thing straight, I have no family," I snapped after I regained my ability to breathe again while I was lying in the hole.

They looked at me hurt and pitiful. I was such an asshole to them, and I completely regret saying that now. Unfortunately, I didn't stop there. I wish I could go back and change things. If I could, this would definitely be one of those moments.

"Well then I guess we are like neighbors," the woman sighed quietly.

I gave an ice cold smile at the two of them. I don't know what overcame me, but I was so bitter. It was as if anger lurking inside me was in full drive. I wasn't only myself, I was inhuman.

"Yes because every neighbor helps each other dig up a body," I chuckled darkly.

Then they stared at me, completely stunned at what I just said. The woman dropped her shovel by her side as she crawled out of the hole.

"I'm too small to lift myself out of here. Don't take another step," I snarled. She picked me up and placed me on the elevated ground. Then the man kicked the bag into the hole.

"You two can get back to work. I'm leaving," I said.

"Um no you aren't. This is a murder on your hands," the guy snapped coldly at me. I suddenly stopped in my tracks, and ever so slowly I turned my head to face them. I gave them both the death glare in their eyes. Their bodies tensed and I could sense a chill running up their spines.

"I see." I nod in agreement. "You have a good point there."

I walked closer to them, and they stepped one foot backwards from me. The only two people who understood me feared me at this point. I don't blame them. If I were them, I would be running for the hills.

"However, you don't have anything against me that will pursue me to help you." I smiled at them wickedly. They both looked at each other, worried and frightened. They knew exactly where I was coming from.

"If you tell the cops about me killing him, I'll tell them that you buried the body with me. You two confessed a crime yourself. If that happens, nobody wins. I would suggest you keep your two traps shut and carry on." That was when the phantom was born.

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