Roadhog x Reader | 1 | Whats Mine is Mine

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[A/N] It gets pretty NSFW - you have been warned... fluff too though... Also not edited btw - I'll come back and correct things later if needed. [A/N]

You had been apart of Overwatch for maybe half a year now. You had become friends with almost everyone, but your best friends were what mattered. The Junkers sure knew how to make you feel at home. You were raised in a bad part of the world - especially after the Omnic crisis. They knew what it was like to live close to bad commotion with the Omnics. They were like family.

You kicked your feet off the stool you were perched on while eating your icecream. You were just about done really, waiting on the boys.

"Oi, Sheila - it's all bagged up." Junkrat said and you nodded before tossing your icecream backwards and hopping off the stool, following him and Roadhog to the motercycle that sat with a stuffed sidecar full of money bags in rubble from an exploded wall.

"Let's get this show on the road boys - it will only take so long before the Feds fine out all the other alarms are fakes." You said before jumping on top of one bag and Junkrat followed, Roadhog drove you guys out of there. Though, like you said, the cops figured out what was up and the blaring sirens of many different pitches came down the road after you. Junkrat laughed and didn't hesitate to throw his bombs at them, you helped by pulling Roadhog's gun off of him and using it to shatter any windshields you could so Junkrat could throw his bombs in - the gap between the cold and you guys eventually grew and after a while you couldn't hear them anymore. They got backed up. You seen a chopper in the distance just as you entered a tunnel.

"Boys, if we're gonna loose these fuckers we better do it fast - they've sent out choppers!" You yelled while tossing your sticking bombs onto the ground in the tunnel - if the cops tried to follow on the ground they'd have a blast.

"Hang tight." Roadhog grumbled and as soon as you guys left the tunnel he took a sharp turn to the left and into a forest, you stopped throwing sticky bombs and watched out for the helicopters. Junkrat was making sure the money wasn't falling and that the coppers weren't too close yet. After a while you hit pavement again and headed farther north. The moment you guys hit desert you slowed down and pulled into an old abandoned house - just outside city limits. Cops couldn't legally touch you here. You sighed in relief and got off the bike before heading inside - your guy's little home away from home.

The boys followed you in and Roadhog went to the couch to relax. Junkrat smiled and watched you wonder to the kitchen. "Oi, Sheila. I'm gonna get started on stashing this cash - yew and Roadie sit tight a'ight?" You nodded and stretched a little.

"Be back before sunrise rat - if you die I'll kick your ass." You laughed softly and  started to pull bread out of the bread box then some meat from the fridge. "Hey Roadie - want some sandmiches?" You asked while glancing over your shoulder at the man on the couch. He looked over at you then nodded after a moment. You looked back at what you were doing then made yourself a sandwich and Roadhog three. Once very thing was put away you carried the food out to him and handed the sandwiches over before setting next to him on the couch. You happily bit into your food and watched what was on the TV.

You glanced over as Roadhog sat his mask on the table with an awkward sounding clunk before he began eating his food, two of the sandwiches sat on his stomach while one was in his right hand, the other arm was stretched out across the back of the couch. You secretly wanted that arm to be around you instead. It didn't take long for your sandwich to be gone and you pulled your knees to your chest. Leaning against Roadhog a moment you pulled you phone from your back pocket a moment to check the time. After that you got up and headed to the small bathroom.

"Gonna shower, you ain't gotta use the toilet do ya?" You asked while stopping at the bathroom door and looking back at him. He looked at you a moment before swallowing what was in his mouth and shaking his head.

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