Soldier:76 X Reader |1| First Move

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[A/N] Sorry for the long wait guys! Hope you enjoy this one! I'll be pushing out another one tomorrow morning![A/N]


You sat reading over your files in your room, filling out the paperwork from your most recent mission. That was the only downside about this job you had taken up - paperwork was something that needed to be done nearly all the time. But the upsides of the job made it all worth while. Your own room, sure it was small and you didn't have a bathroom but it was more than what you had back at home - you shared a room with six kids you didn't know. The water was hot - another thing you didn't have the pleasure of, due to the amount of people that always took a shower before you back at home. Great friends at arms length when you need them - a hospital in base and not to mention it was super close to the living quarters! And you didn't have to pay any medical bills! But the thing that topped the icing on the cake was Commander Jack Morrison. Well - he wasn't technically commander anymore, and he went by Soldier:76 but that didn't stop you from practically loosing your shit every time he some much as brush past you. The smell of his thick, intoxicating cologne filling your lungs and lingering well after he walked by you, the way his eyes sparkled in the light of his desk lamp when his visor was off.

You had a huge, undeniable crush on your boss. You made sure you got to train with him every day possible. He would always look surprised when you'd ask if he'd train with you. Sometimes you'd walk in on him working out in the gym with Reinhardt and ask to join. You took every chance you could to just be near him. But as much as you liked him, you knew he'd never want someone your age - your naïve and careless heart, but you were a persistent one. You tailed things that you knew would later come back and bite you. But you couldn't help it, it was something that always happened.

You jumped as a heavy fist slammed against your door, ripping you from your thoughts. You sighed and relaxed. "Who is it?" You called and a very familiar voice called back.

"It's me, [Y/N], I wanted to talk to you." None other than Jack Morrison himself answered you and you leaped from your chair and tripped a few times before making it to the door and opening it.

"Yes, yes - what is it?" You have a warm hopeful smile and the taller soldier bore down at you though his visor.

He cleared his throat "I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me on a run through the forest today? You usually like working out with me - so I figured I should ask you." A grin quickly spread on your lips and you nodded.

"Oh! Of course, I'd love to. Let me finish my paperwork and get ready." You said and he replied with a nod.

"See you in an hour by the gym?" You thought it over and nodded. "Good... See you then." He half waved and turned before leaving. Heading off to get ready himself. You closed the door to your room before sighing dreamily and walking back to your seat so you could finish up the last bits of your paperwork. The day was looking up already and you had barely been back at base a full day. The mission had already took a toll on you - but you weren't about to pass down an opportunity to spend alone time with your boss. And not just any alone time, alone time far from the base, in the woods, completely and utterly alone with no one to come in and join you two - spoiling the moment.

After a good twenty minutes you were done filling out paperwork and quickly changed into your spandex knee length shorts for running and your tanktop to match, then pulled your [H/L][H/C] hair up into a pony tail, after all that you pulled your running shoes on then tied them. You grabbed the file and headed to the file directory and dropped it off there, that was where desk workers scanned everything into the computer drive then filed the hard copies in the basement. You then headed off to the gym to meet up with your boss to go jogging. The thought alone set fireworks off in your stomach.

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