Lúcio X InsecureReader |1| Butterfly Beat

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You heaved a heavy sigh as the next string of texts came through. You knew who it was. You didn't have to look. Lúcio was an Overwatch agent and a disk jockey, one you felt you didn't deserve. One you knew you didn't deserve. He was lively and humorous, he made you laugh and smile. It had only been a few days since your blind date with him, but he wanted to see if you could go on another date. If you wanted to. He wanted to know you more. You wanted the same but...

"He deserves better." You mumbled aloud while picking up your phone and clicking on the screen, skimming the texts in the process.

[Hey, it's me again.]
[Just wondering if you're alright and if you'd like to come with me to see a cool movie.]
[It just came out recently, I thought you might like it.]
[Reply soon :) ]

You frowned and your eyes watered as you typed away on your phone. You sent a reply, one you knew was a lie and one you didn't like.

[I'm busy, sorry Lúcio. :( ]

You clicked your phone off and tossed it aside before getting up and heading to the bathroom. What did he see in you? You weren't even an okay person, you weren't bad either.
You were meh. Flicking on the lights you walked over to the scale and stepped onto it, bare feet hitting cool metal caused your skin to crawl. You weren't happy with what the scale said. "One hundred and twenty-four.... still." Letting out a growl, it resolved into a whimper rather quickly.

He deserves better. Stepping off the scale you looked at yourself in the mirror. Matted [H/L][H/C] hair, bags under your eyes and... you couldn't remember when you last brushed your teeth. Must have been just before the date with Lúcio. You're an easy 5' even, but you're never happy with how you look. Never happy period. Except around him....

That doesn't change anything. He deserves better. You told yourself lies all the time, distancing yourself from the people you loved, it was a bad habit. One you had learned at a young age, you couldn't help it. You let out a heavy sigh and pulled on a well oversized black baggy hoodie that hid who you were well, after that you pulled on dark grey baggy sweats that did the same and you pulled on your favorite converse before pulling your hood up and pushing your hair back as to hide the unbrushed mess.

After getting relatively decent you decided to head out of the house, now this wasn't for food, you had plenty of freezer food and snacks that could keep you locked in for days. No, no, this was for a video game run, you have plenty sure. But you needed to get a new one before playing the same ones, that you knew too well and have beat many times and found every Easter egg, drove you crazy. You put on some sunglasses whilst walking and managed to get out of your apartment complex unnoticed, after that you just needed to walk down the block to the nearest GameStop.

A knot was nearly blocking your air way, it was always the most terrifying thing to you to leave your house, especially like this. But you didn't have time to try and comb though the rats nest in your hair, it would take hours, and the store would be closing soon. You expertly slipped through cracks in the crowd, flowing like water,  avoiding human contact.

Once you reached the store you slipped through the glass door and winced at the chime that rang out as you disturbed the door. The store was brightly lit and all your favorite games, and some you wish didn't exist or had been better made before released, lined the walls along with merch for them. You quickly scanned the shelving for the game you wanted, picking at your fingers whilst walking slowly, gnawing on your already bleeding lip. When you found where it was supposed to be it was gone, all sold out. Great. You sighed in defeat and glanced to the front counter. {They might have one or two stashed in back... but that requires talking to them....}

You grumbled slightly and slowly shuffled over, awkwardly holding the bottom of your hoodie. Your face became a bright red as you approached the two and your voice cracked before you even began to speak.

One of them gave a soft smile, and a slightly uncomfortable one. "How can I help you?" He asked softly, trying to not offend but you knew it was because either you smelt horrible or because you looked like you were about to rob the store. Both probably. Damn it.

"D-Do you... erm... ha-have any more Dungeon Monster 4 left?" You winced at your own voice, it sounded utterly horrible and it felt like sandpaper. The man behind the counter seemed to think otherwise as he relaxed more and even blushed slightly.

"O-oh gee.... I wish you would have come sooner miss... that man just bought our very last copy." He said whilst gesturing over to the other side of the room, where Lúcio stood, in utter shock whilst staring at you.

You croaked out. "T-thanks." You murmured then quickly turned and bolted for the door.

"[Y/N]! Wait!" Lúcido called out but the moment you were out into the street you quickly pushed your way past people, dodging and weaving, bumping into people. You were less elegant when panicked and it wasn't really a choice either. You gasped and panted as your anxiety skyrocketed, your heart raced to the sound of your heavy footsteps. Soon you reached the door to your apartment building and you fished in your pocket for you keys as the man's voice grew closer. Tears welled up in your eyes as you fiddled with they key ring and soon a hand grabbed your wrist, directing your attention to Lúcio.

You stared up at him in disbelief and horror, as if by touching you he had committed an act of treason or worse. "[Y/N], why'd you run from me?" He asked softly and tilted his head a little, his brows knitting together. "Did I do something to upset you?" You shook your head viciously and tugged your arm away from him, holding yourself and trying to look away from him. That didn't stop he hot tears that fell from your eyes however. Lúcio took your cheek gently in his hand to have you look at him. "Is something wrong?" He asked quietly his big brown eyes filled with worry. He barely knew you and yet, you could feel that he cared so much.

You snuffled and pushed his hand away before making another love for the door, he sighed lightly and shook his head. "You can't just bottle it up, [Y/N]"

You paused and stopped in your tracks, the door was open by now and you were holding it there. The divider between safety and solitude and the outside world. "Why not?" Your voice shook and broke as you spoke, you eyes him with an almost hateful glare. You didn't like when people tried to help, made you feel stupid, made you feel betrayed even, like they're lying to you the whole time.

"Because, when you bottle things you don't let it all out, keeping it inside causes more damage in the long run." He said quietly and watched you. He stayed relaxed, didn't make any sudden movements, just watched you. After a long pause he spoke. "If you're willing, we can talk about it over video games and pizza?" He gave a hopeful smile that melted your heart.

You gnawed on your bottom lip again and slowly nodded. "That... sounds nice." You spoke quietly and he smiled gently before reaching over you and opening the door more for you.

"Oh and next time you're having trouble, don't lie to me okay?" He chuckled softly and you gave a slight smile before nodding.

"I'm gonna need some help brushing my hair...." you mumbled quietly and motioned him to follow you up the stairs.

"That bad?" He asked, his worried expression returning as he trailed you. You nodded and shrugged a little. He gave a hopeful and gentle smile once more before taking your hand in his. "Well, I'll do what I can to help."

You nodded and gave a warm smile before leaning up and kissing his cheek. "Thanks Lúcio." With that you led him further up the stairs to your apartment.

"Anything for my butterfly." He chuckled and your cheeks reddened.

"Your butterfly?" You cocked your head slightly as you looked at him. He nodded and chuckled a little.

"Yeah, my butterfly beat. You're like a good song I can't get out of my head. Can't let you suffer and your song fade." He said calmly and you giggled softly, your stomach felt like it was in knots around him. He was always so kind, and for once, you looked forward to having someone help you with your insecurities. Even if on the inside you still felt he was lying, he was that glimmer of hope that made you pray that it was true.

Overwatch oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora