Genji X Flirt!Fem Reader |2| Iceskating

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The sound of metal against ice scrapes past your ears, an unpleasant sound though you were more focused on the sheer panic of not falling, and not being able to move very much.

"It is easy [Y/N], I do not see how you are struggling so much." The cyber ninja laughed softly, your hands gripping onto his metal arms as he held you up. Your legs wobbled and skidded, barely staying balanced.

"I am not struggling." You hissed a retort but the ninja merely laughed in amusement, not in an offensive way to hurt your feelings, however. You cried out in fear as your legs moved backward out from under you as you tried to move forward. You stumbled and fell into Genji's embrace, your face against his chest. You huffed and smirked playfully. "If you wanted a hug you could've asked, sweetheart." You purred and the ninja looked confused and stunned.

"I-I didn't cause you to fall, what are you on about?" He retorted and you laughed loudly while slowly regaining your balance.

"I'm joking, calm down." You paused and watched as he relaxed a little, no longer flustered for the second. "But asking is still an option." You smirked and he shot you a glare.

"Just... follow what I'm doing. Keep your feet angled when you push off to move." He explained while looking down to your feet as he tried to demonstrate. You copied a little and managed to push yourself far too forward and into the man's metallic brace once more, your faces so close you could feel his breath on your lips. "Erm..." Genji started to try and think of something to say, anything that would allow this to be less awkward.

"You have beautiful eyes." You smiled playfully and he gave you a shocked look as his cheeks reddened.

"Not as beautiful as yours," Genji mumbled and you stopped in confusion. He smiled at you with a playful smirk of his own.

"Is that so?" You bit your bottom lip gently. "And here I thought this wasn't a date." You stuck your tongue out slightly.

"It's not." He paused and smiled. "That is unless you want it to be." The green haired ninja gave a playful smile. "But I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to just be showing you how to ice skate."

You snickered softly and leaned up, planting a soft kiss on his cheek before pushing away from him, so you were arm's length apart once more. "Aren't you doing a great job?" You laughed softly.

"Well you haven't completely fallen yet, so I think I'm doing better than Jack is." He motioned with his head, you looked in the direction and watched as Jack struggled to instruct Hana on how to ice skate, the poor girl looked like she had fallen a few times, as her legs and bottom were coated in ice shreddings.

"Fair enough." You stated calmly, looking back at him with a small smile. "Still can't move much though." You paused and pursed your lips before looking back to the cyborg. "Maybe we could take a little break? Get some food?"

The man laughed softly, a metallic like ring to his voice. "We've been on the ice maybe half an hour, [Y/N], and you already want to rest?" He teased and you snickered in response.

"Fine fine, we can stay here on the ice, since you just love it when I fall into you~" you smiled playfully and the cyborg man's cheeks reddened once more.

"Do not!" He retaliated and you feigned a hurt expression and a gasp.

"I'm so - offended! You don't enjoy my company?" You huffed and let go of him, your knees shaking as you did so, and you crossed your arms.

"W-what?!" Genji protested quickly and grabbed your hands quickly. "I never said that! Of course I enjoy your company, [Y/N]"

You smirked and gave a soft giggle whilst pushing off the ice to get closer to him. "Oh? But you don't want to go relax and eat with me?" You smiled and the man sighed softly.

"Alright, we will take a break.... but quit with the flirting or I'll have to... how does Lena put it?" He paused and you giggled slightly.

"Snog me to death?" You cocked your head slightly and he laughed.

"Yes, that." He stated calmly and moved slightly. "Think you can make it to the exit without falling?"

"Pft, no." You paused and did your best to follow what he had taught you. "But I'll try, and if I fall you're coming with."

"Fair enough."

[A/N] Hey guys! Sorry for the HUGE delay! I had to Finnish up he school year then Deal with a few more life events before I could continue! :) I will do my best to update more frequently once more! AND YES! That means your requests are coming soon, the Mercy one, Lució, another Roadhog, and MORE! ^_^ stay tuned! [A/N]

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