Junkrat X Reader |1| Explosive Date

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((A/N: OKAY SO ... Ik I said "next Thursday" but as of the Monday of that week that that Thursday landed on, I got nailed with two essays and immediately forgot about this. So forgive me that this is coming out much later than planned. I have started some of the suggestions btw! The D.Va one will be out soon as well! Forgive me for the delay but here is your long awaited Junkrat X Reader! I will be updating a few more stories through out my holiday break. Happy Holidays! Sorry again for the delay!! A/N))

So things have been getting spicy between you and a certain Junker. Okay not that spicy, but you both have been dropping subtle gestures that you both like each other. Sideways glances, long periods of eye contact while smiling, stupid giggling and uncontrollable flushing of faces. It certainly isn't hard to piece together that you two really do like each other.

Ana had insisted you come to a annual get together with the rest of the agents. The get together was where 76 would rent out a party room somewhere and then everyone would dress up, go dance, have fun, meet fans - of an appropriate age for the area - and just have fun. This year was going to be held at a karaoke bar.

You hummed softly as you finished pinning up your hair into a cute bun - though below the bun was the access hair that was left down. It looked nice. The golden light of the setting sun pooled on the walls and the floor of your bedroom as it danced through the transparent glass of your window. One of the few with such a beautiful view. Sure it was no coast side view or a forest - but something about the city at night, all lit up in the distance. It seemed to glow and that glow warmed up a long forgotten glimmer of adventure inside you.

Your dress was slim fitting and silk, it was red and had one strap on the left shoulder with a silver diamond shape, filled with small rhinestones overtop of the area the strap connected to the dress. A few thick ribbon pieces fell freely from this diamond shaped fake clip. The dress had little design on the top but after your hips the dress fell into a more ruffled flow with black gradient that glittered and slowly went to an amber glitter strip. It almost looked like embers from a fire. You pulled a thin shall overtop, black in color and smiled at yourself in the mirror. Simple makeup, nothing over the top for this event, and some red heels to match your dress.

You twirled slightly, smiling at yourself in the mirror before slipping your essentials into your purse then heading out. Hana and Angela had agreed to wait up for you as you three would be going together, or at least going to the get together as a group until you three broke off to do your own thing. Which did happen as the short ride to the place didn't last long and you three almost immediately ended up splitting off.

Shrugging it off you headed over to the bar to grab a drink, you watched as Pharrah and Mercy were singing Breaking Free together - how that woman moved so fast without her suit was beyond you. You heard someone clear their throat and mid sip you turned to see Junkrat. Who was all cleaned - prosthetics and all, hair combed, and to top it off he was in a suit. You nearly choked on your drink and gawked in awe while holding your throat during a coughing fit. "J-Jamison?!" Your face suddenly flushed red from both the alcohol and how amazing he looked. Half of you wish he could be that clean all the time.

He looked away awkwardly while rubbing his neck, a blush of his own spread across his face. With him being all cleaned and showered you could see he had freckles all over his face. "Roadie said 't 'ould be... more 'ppropriate 'f I dressed up fer dis event 'n all that." He said softly and the junker's eyes soon connected with your own gaze, his hand dropping back to his side. "I uh... yew look great, ya know?" He gave a small smile and a hopeful look.

"So do you." You said and gave him another look over. "I've never seen you more than half dressed before." You laughed softly and his face flushed to a brighter red - which was much more easy to tell now that he was scrubbed clean from all the grime.

"Oh uh... yeeah. I guess that - that 's accurate, ain't 't?" He said and gave a awkward smile, almost shy even. "So uh... well, there's music 'n such 'n I thought... er well... that 's 'f yew're okay with 't..."

I smirked and looked at him half confused and half amused. "Jamie, are you asking me to dance with you?"

"Well I mean I ain't the best dancer, I got a peg leg for cryin' out loud. But I jus'-" while he was becoming more flustered in trying to explain himself you rolled your eyes and sat down your beverage before grabbing his wrist and leading him out to the dance floor.

"Come on ya big wuss." You teased and he chuckled softly at what you had said. True to his word Junkrat was anything but gracious on the dance floor, but that's not to say you didn't enjoy dancing with him for hours.

After a while you two settled down on a few bar stools in he corner of the room, sipping on alcoholic beverages while chatting about recent missions and views on co-workers.

"Yew know what I always say!-" Jamie started and you both said together.

"If at first yew don't succeed blow me up again!" His accent overpowered you and almost made you sound Australian too. You both laughed softly and he leaned onto the counter while looking at you. "Speakin' 'f bombs." He started and a wild smirk grew on his face.

You shook your head. "Jamison, no. No bombs at the party." You scolded and he flashed a toothy grin.

"Awe common cupcake, what's the worse that can go wrong?" He urged on.

"We get fired, ya know, lose our jobs and probably get arrested." You huffed angrily but his smile stayed in position. "What?"

"So say we lost our jobs. Who says the coppers will catch us?" He rose a brow. Then he sat up straight and leaned with his back on the counter and crossed arms while puckering his lips a little. "No no. Never mind. Yew're right." You narrowed your eyes at him. What's he playing at? "I mean, after all, yew ain't got the guts t' set off a bomb in the girl's laboratory anyway." He looked at his nails while speaking, almost nonchalant like.

However, due to your painfully present pride you growled at his statement. "Who said I ain't got the guts?!" You hissed and he smirked over to you.

"I did. 'N 'f yew can't do 't then 't proves my statement." Jamison then pulled a little hand held detonation switch from his coat pocket and handed it over. "Just press the button sunshine. Prove me wrong." Gnawing your bottom lip you eyed the device. 76 was going to kill you two for this. You took a deep breath and pressed he button, without any warning a large explosion tore through the south end of the building and some screaming could be heard. Your head whipped in that direction and oh watched the oranges and reds streak across the floor and walls and stain them black.

76 looked to the two of you and yelled in fury, what it was you couldn't make out as suddenly you had been scooped up like a bride and was not being carried in a hurry out the nearest window and into the awaiting sidecar of the Junker's motorcycle. "See yew lot at base!" Called Junkrat to the agents who were trying to follow in pursuit out the window while being furious. You couldn't help but giggle at first, and then it became a loud laugh, and soon the both of you were laughing uncontrollably at each other and the other agent's reactions.

"That was brilliant!" You cheered and kissed the tall man on the cheek before sighing contently and leaning back in your seat. "We are so dead when we get to base." You laughed softly and put a hand on your face. The night had been just perfect and you didn't even have to plan any of it, of course your joy had came at the expense of a few injuries to others, but Jamie assured you that was nothing more than collateral.

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