D.Va X Reader |1| GAME OVER

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D.Va was undoubtedly the most beautiful gamer you had ever met in your entire life. Only problem is, being a foot soldier it makes it really difficult to get close enough to tell her your feelings. So for now you decided it be best you don't try and approach her out of the blue.

While out on the town, near the base, you were picking up a few new video games for yourself. You stood, holding two video games in your hands and reading over the content for each, you weren't really sure what game you wanted. You shrugged and decided to toss both in your basket, and just as it hit the basket you heard a wailing cry.

"No!" The short Korean woman ran up to you with a frantic and fearful face. "That's the last copy of Overtime Fighter V - I need it!" D.Va pleaded. You were beyond bewildered. "Please let me have it? I'll pay you double for just letting me have it!"

Your first instinct was to hand it over, however, a devious smirk grew on your face. "How about, we play it together, and the first one to three wins can keep the game?" You said confidently. She looked both angry and confused, after a second she crossed her arms and thought it over then sighed.

"Fine." She puffed her cheeks. "But don't expect to be keeping that game for very long." She hissed softly and you nodded. The two of you went to the checkout counter and you paid for both the games before you bother left the store. "Have you even played a Overtime Fighter game?" She shot another upset look at you, her brows knitted together in fury.

"Yes I have, I've played all of them, all I need is five to complete my collection." You boasted proudly. "And I know you've played five - why do you need it?" You rose a brow and her face flushed, she hadn't expected you to know she owned the game already.

She gave an uncomfortable whine of sorts and huffed angrily. "McCree broke my game earlier today, I'm supposed to stream it later tonight after I stream some more StarCraft. I can't change the schedule hours before I stream, so I wanted to buy it as quick as I could.... and you've got the last copy in town." She said with a defeated sigh. Again you felt the urge to just hand it over, but why would you pass up quality time with Hana Song?

You nodded in accepting of her speech. "Makes sense." You stated calmly while continuing to walk by her side.

"So... what's your name anyway?" She piped up once more and you gave a confused look then an embarrassed smile. How could you blindly assume she knew your name? You were one of the few thousand foot soldiers that were employed by Overwatch, and one of the few hundred whom lived at base with the most important agents.

"Sorry about that, I'm [Y/N]... Hana, right?" You asked and she nodded with a smile, finally unfolding her arms.

"Yep." She chirped. The rest of the walk was small talk, what games you both liked, if you watched her streams and how often, how she came to be a agent for Overwatch, and how long you had been gaming yourself. Eventually she had led you to her bedroom, which for the most part was littered with empty Doritos bags and half empty bottles of Mountain Dew, various kinds of both items as well. She lifted her blanket and quickly shook off all the crumbs that littered it and then laid it flat on her bed before turning on her game system. You awkwardly made yourself comfortable on he end of the bed while opening he game case up.

Once it was in she handed you a controller and sat down next to you. "Prepare to loose your game, [Y/N]" she cocked her head to the side and gave you a playful and almost fox like grin.

You snickered. "You're so on." The game had loaded up quickly and you two selected your characters, seconds after the match had started and you both quickly began playing furiously. She was, of course, really really good at the game. She knew combos you didn't even know were apart of the game, and she used different combos all the time! She wasn't a pro gamer for nothing that was for sure. However, you were almost just as good at the game, and knew some cheap tactics to make it difficult even for a pro gamer to win.

She growled in anger as you won the first match. "Stop crouch punching me!" She hissed in frustration and you snickered with amusement.

"I said I had to win three rounds, I never said it would be fair fighting." You smirked and as soon as 'Fight' appeared in bold on the screen you unleashed a combo you had been saving up and threw her character across the map, and off the edge of the map. You were suddenly grateful this map had those physics.

"That-" she started then turned to you with red cheeks. "That doesn't count!"

"Does too." You laughed softly and she growled before leaping on top of you and pinning you down to the bed.

"Does not! You're not playing fair and that doesn't count!" Hana's face was red from frustration and anger. You did nothing to stop her from pinning you to the bed and you just smiled up at her with a playful smile.

"Alright alright... but it still counts" You continued and she glared with fury before going back to her controller and setting down before she immediately threw your character off the map as vengeance. "Okay now that doesn't count - I wasn't even ready." You said while just now setting up.

"If it counts for you it counts for me!" She snapped and stuck her tongue out at you. While she was distracted you tossed her character off the edge of the map again and she gave a shocked look as she heard the sound indicating another round was over. "Wait what?!" Her head snapped back to the tv and she looked back to you. "I wasn't even looking that's not fair!"

"You started it." You shrugged and got up. "You  can keep it by the way." You smiled and got up after setting the controller down next to her. "Thanks for letting me play with you though, Hana." She looked both furious and confused.

"Hey wait! Get back here!" She demanded and sprung from her bed to grab your arm as you headed for the door. You paused and looked down to her in confusion. "I want a rematch tomorrow morning, if you aren't here by six I'm coming into the Barracks and waking you up myself!" She said sternly, pulling down on your sleeve in the process of her tantrum like attitude.

"Alright, ill be back here at six then." You smiled warmly. You heard a huff and as you looked at her once more to see why she huffed this time you felt a peck against your cheek.

"Thanks by the way... for letting me keep the game even though you won." She said quietly in a defeated manner and you nodded with wide eyes. Your brain couldn't process what just happened. After a little while she let go of your sleeve. "I've got to set up the stream... you'll watch right?" You nodded again and smiled softly.

"Always." You let out a soft laugh and waved goodbye before exiting her room. The door closed promptly behind you and you laughed a little to yourself while you started to walk away. What a day.

[A/N] Sorry that this ones kinda short. But it's our first female hero x reader! Yaaay! ^w^ hope you all enjoy it despite its length! Now on the the requests! :D [A/N]

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