Sombra X Reader |1| - Look'n2Luv

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You stared blankly at the glowing screen of your phone hat hovered a few inches from your face, hoisted up by your hands that sat dormant for the need of scrolling or typing. This was ridiculous! You didn't need to get a dating profile! You grumbled angrily and laid your phone face down on your chest whilst staring up at your ceiling. As much as you hated the idea, your best friend was right, you've gone four years without even batting an eye at anyone! You needed to get out there, start talking and at least go on one date!

You thought over what you were going to do. Slowly you picked your phone up again and tapped on the app's icon before waiting for it to load, which didn't take long really. You slowly began the process of creating the account. First you needed a login, you entered your email, and a password you'd never forget. After that it asked what username you'd use. You thought for a long while, setting down your phone again as you thought. A username huh? Several ran across your mind, something cheesy maybe? Something like Dr.Love, or LuckyLover? No no, that came off creepy... maybe something more cute? Something like KupKakes? No no.... too childish!

You groaned and rolled to your side a little. Finally it hit you, something so simple and cliché, you'd always remember it. GiveMeA_Dream, that was it, that was your username. It was so simple and it even worked! You smirked to yourself before starting to perfect your account, adding selfies from your photos, and a few outfit shots that you had sent to your friends. After that you began filling out your interests and biography. After that, you began scrolling through the people active. No one struck your fancy in particular so you shut your phone off and went to bed. Laying in the darkness you tried to shut your brain off so oí could get some sleep.





Ping ping

You hissed softly and rolled back over before grabbing at your phone and looking at whomever just assaulted your attempt to get sleep tonight. You blinked slightly at the app's notification before opening your phone and looking at the messages that came though, only one person had sent a message oddly enough. Look'n2Luv. Huh, simple username. You began to read through their messages.

L2L: Heyyyyy
L2L: I read through your bio, and I have to say I love your profession! And your username is so classic! It's a reference to that really old song, Mr.Sandman right?
L2L: Reply soon cutie!

You stared blankly at the screen for a hot minute before you began replying, trying to think of how to reply.

BMA_D: Hey! And yeah, it is. I don't listen to that type of music often though, mostly upbeat dubstep or rave stuff. Also, you love my profession? I'm a Tech Specialist, lol, not exactly the most exciting thing.
L2L: Not just any Tech Specialist! You work for Overwatch right???

Suddenly you sat up in your bed with a look of utter confusion.

BMA_D: How did you know that??
BMA_D: That I formation is strictly classified who are you???
L2L: An interested party, and as long as you don't freak out and tell your superiors, I promise I won't go digging further in your "super secretive" job.
L2L: So, what do you do for fun besides fix tech around that cruddy base?

You huffed and thought this over rationally. Clearly this person had some secretive problems themselves, and clearly they were skilled with tech too. This bothered you. You looked through their profile. Female, and a few selfies, most with half the face gone. Her bio was vague and non descriptive on herself. Who was this chick? Hoy grumbled and began to reply.

BMA_D: Alright... I like to go swimming, travel, and go to clubs if I have the night off. You?
L2L: Oooohhh! You like to go clubbing?? Maybe we could meet up soon then? I know this great spot near King's Row, it's kind of an illegal set up, but it's one of the craziest raves I've ever been too! And as long as the cops don't come the party doesn't stop until day breaks!!

Your eyebrows shot up. An illegal rave spot?? Well, if you turned that in you'd loose this girl, and if you didn't you might lose your job. Weighing the options the latter seemed like the worst of options, but at the same time the whole point of this was to find someone to share your time with...

BMA_D: Alright, sounds cool! But before we go to the rave maybe we could catch a movie and some dinner? That way we can get to know each other better before we party our brains out.

You sat there waiting for a reply for a long moment before the woman replied.

L2L: This officially a date then?
L2L: Ooo! I'll wear my best outfit! What movie are we seeing?

You thought it over, any movie was fine with you but you're the one who officiated this, you had to make the plans or you could scare her off. No one likes a person who asks you out with no initial plan, right? You quickly looked up some of the movies, one of the action movies seemed interesting, it was a bit of action and comedy, at least the trailers looked that way. The movie was a stupid concept so Look'n2Luv might like it. You also figured you could surprise her on the dinner bit, you could be vague about where you were going, tell her to dress nice.

BMA_D: How does Seeing Sharks sound? The trailers looked dumb, could be a good laugh at how movies can be incredibly stupid.
L2L: YES! That sounds amazing!
L2L: Where to for dinner?
BMA_D: Well, I was thinking someplace nice. How does Italian sound? It's a bit cliché but the place is pretty nice.
L2L: Not much of a fan of Italian.
L2L: How does Mexican sound? There's this spot in Dorado that's absolutely amazing!
BMA_D: Yeah, that sounds good! What night is the rave? Ill send you the location to the movie and we can meet up there.

You didn't favor Mexican, but it was good, so you didn't care all too much on where you two ate. It just mattered that you two were spending time together, right?

L2L: It happens Friday-Saturday, the ones Saturday-Sunday are worse, so we should visit the tame one. The Rave usually starts around 8pm, but things don't get crazy until 10pm.
BMA_D: Got it, meet you around 4pm then?

After she replied and okayed the time you grinned like an idiot, and sent her the place for the movie. At last you decided to ask again, who she was. She complied this time, Sombra, her name was Sombra. You gave yours and explained you needed to get to bed because it was really early already. Turns out you both were in the same time zone almost, she was an hour behind. After saying goodnight you turned your screen off and laid your phone on your chest again. Well, you've never had such luck before with dating apps, so you hoped this would be a night to remember! You sighed contently and put your phone on your end table once more, it was 4:28am, Jack would have your ass for being so exhausted but it was going to be so... so worth it!


[A/N] Hey guys! I tried to keep the reader for this one gender neutral for the most part, I hope you liked it! I really wanted to play around with the idea that they met on a dating app, tell me what you think! If you want a continuation of this, as always, just let me know! [A/N]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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