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I wake up still in my clothes from yesterday remembering all that happened. I get up to wash my face to see that my right eye, is purple.

"Great" I say to myself as I wash my face and I brush my teeth. I look at my wrist to see dry blood a one cut. I grab alcohol and piece of toilet paper cleaning the cut. I place a band ade on the cut sighing. I was almost two months clean. I put on a dark red shirt and blue jeans with my red vans. I grab my bag and phone, and I head out the door.

In first period, I see a boy in my seat in a red leather jacket and ripped black jeans, nice hair.

"Hey, get up!" I say. He puts his head up, Ryder.

"Why are you here?" I roll my eyes.

"To make sure you don't get into any trouble" Ryder says.

"Thanks, but I'm a big girl" I joke.

"Well I don't know you, but Elijah certainly takes an interest in you" Ryder says.

"Still doesn't explain why your here" I say.

"To make sure you don't reveal"

"Our little secret" Ryder coughs.

"Can you at least sit to the seat on your left" I ask kindly, and he actually does what I ask. He has no backpack or, anything school related.

"The hell happened to your eye?" He asks with a shocked look on his face.

"None of your damn business" I sit in my seat getting out my pencil and placing it on my desk. Eli walks in and immediately spots Ryder.

"Why are you here?" Eli whispers.

"To learn" Ryder smirks.

"What happened to your eye Macy?" Eli asks sitting down facing me.

"Was it Ryder?" Eli asks angrily.

"No, just, don't worry about it" I say.

"I'm hurt my own brother would think I would hit a girl" Ryder says.

"I don't know what to think of you anymore" Eli scoffs.

Eli glances at the band ade on my arm.

"Why-" He cuts himself off looking at my scars. I give him a sad look and he doesn't say anything, he already knows. I spot Hugo walk in and he spots Ryder, in his spot... I almost forgot about Hugo, I'm such a bad friend sometimes.

"Umm, move?" Hugo says. Ryder clutches his fists ignoring him.

"Umm Hugo, just sit in front of him" I remember what Eli said about making their kind angry. I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

Hugo <3

Hugo <3 : Macy, what the hell?

Me: I'll explain later

Hugo <3 : Your eye?

Me: I'll explain later! >:|

First period goes by and the teacher noticed that in the middle of class, Ryder isn't registered.

"Fucking dumbass didn't get registered" Eli says under his breath. I laugh trying not to cause attention to myself. He had to leave, he stormed out the classroom.

At the end of class, Hugo and Eli both walk up to me.

"Um, hi?" Eli says to Hugo with a fake grin.

"Umm Hugo this is Eli" I say.

"Call me Elijah, and Macy, a word" Eli holds out his hand. I put on my backpack and I hesitate to take his hand, but I do and he leads me into the library to the same back corner where I herd his conversation with Lukas.

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