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I wake up and I break loose of Elijah's grip without waking him. I quietly put on my long sleeved black shirt with my ripped black jeans. I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I put in my black earrings with my vans. I walk back out and I get a pen and paper from the table and I write. I was hoping to see Lukas. You know walk around a bit to kinda make my scent a trail. I thought a lot last night. They came all the way to Austin for me, I'm only making their life harder. I was gonna write them a letter. I may or may not see them again. I was hoping, Lukas would've caught on by now and is in Austin. If he isn't, I'll drive back to Katy myself.

Ryder and Elijah,

I really appreciate you guys looking out for me these past few days, but you shouldn't have to do that. I'm turning myself into Lukas. I'm only making your lives harder. You shouldn't have to do all of this running, or break the rules for me. You should follow the rules and have a mate who isn't a puitant. I hope you do, you may miss me for a bit, but it's for the best.


I give them both a kiss on the cheek, and I walk out. I just walking in circles over and over, into kinda the city. I kinda go down an alley, kinda making it easy for Lukas, basically asking to be kidnapped. As I'm walking down the alley, I see a guy. If it's not Lukas, I could defend myself. I walk him past casually and he grabs my arm. I look to see his face.

"Lukas" I say. He had a bandage on his neck from Eli's bite. Other men suddenly circle me.

"How did you find me?" I say.

"Your scent is everywhere" Lukas says.

"Ok you found me, just kill me already" I say.

"Where's the fun in that?" Lukas smirks.

"Hey!" I hear a voice say. I turn around to see Ryder and Eli.

"Go away!" I whisper.

"I would expect this from Eli, but you Ryder?" Lukas says.

"I know where I stand" Ryder says. Eli looked so disappointed. I mouth the words I'm sorry.

"Let her go now!" Eli says.

"After all I did to find her, I'm not just gonna let her go that easy, in fact" Lukas says.

"Guess what today is? Anybody?" Lukas says.

"A full moon" I whisper to myself.

"Correct" Lukas says. Suddenly I fell sharp teeth go into my wrist. I scream from the pain. My body suddenly feels limp and I fall to the ground uncontrollably.

"No!" Eli shouts running over to me.

"No one messes with me, she could've had a quick easy death, now she's gonna suffer, then die" Lukas says. Ryder runs over to me.

"See you soon" Lukas and his men disappear. That's the last thing I remember.

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