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I end up getting, five more shirt, two pairs of jeans, five pairs of shoes. Bras and underwater from Victoria's Secret, red lipstick, and some new socks. Were on our way driving back home, with all the bags in the back seat. All together, about one thousand dollars, was my budget. That's nothing to what they make a day off of their parents deaths. Elijah got something, but I didn't really get to see it.

"Thank you again for this, I've never been to a mall before, and this was a great experience" I say.

"Anything for you, and when is your birthday?" Eli says.

"My birthday? It passed?" I say.

"What when?" Eli says.

"Mmm" I check the date on my phone.

"About a week ago" I say.

"You don't celebrate your birthday?" Eli says.

"No" I say.

"Wow" Eli says. We arrive home and I put everything up neatly. I don't want my new clothes thrown everywhere when I hear the door open to reveal Ryder and Eli. They're both hiding something behind there backs.

"Hey" Ryder says.

"Uh, hey" I say. They both hold out what they have in their hands.

"Happy birthday, well late birthday, we felt bad you've never gotten anything" Eli says. Eli had a box and Ryder did too, a jewelry box.

I take both and I open the black one, Ryder's. It was a charm bracelet. One charm was of a wolf howling.

"It was our sisters" Ryder says. I smile and I put it on. I open Eli's red next. It was a necklace, a locket.

"Our mothers" Eli smiles. I hug them both.

"I'll wear this on special occasions" I close the boxes and putting them both on the night stand.

"Thank you, both of you" I say.

"Now your really one of us" Ryder punches my arm. My stomach growls, I sigh.

"Your hungry?" Eli says.

"Yea, do I have to eat people?" I say.

"That's a choice, not a requirement, I eat people yes, that is only because it makes me stronger, Eli only eats animals and meat that humans eat from the store. I'm not even gonna lie and I know this is gonna sound gross" Ryder says.

"Humans taste way better" Ryder whispers.

"What if you were to eat a werewolf?" I say.

"That is disgusting" Ryder gags.

"Elijah here has never had the guts to eat a human" Ryder says.

"Never have, never will" Eli says.

"He doesn't know what he's missing" Ryder says.

"I wanna try it" I say.

"What?" Eli says.

"I wanna eat a human" I say.

"Really?" Ryder smiles.

"Macy?" Eli says.

"What?" I say.

"This is not like you, that's someone's life" Eli says.

"No duh, when your a werewolf you change a little, remember when you became one? Your back too normal now, it just takes awhile" Ryder says.

"I'm changing?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it, let's go" Ryder says.

We go downstairs out the door and into the city. We're around a corner by a near by club.

"Ok, the best way to do it is at a club, so many opportunities" Ryder says.

"True, I look so unattractive though" I say.

"I'll go" Ryder says. He see's an attractive girl at the end of the line and goes for her. I see them talk a little and he puts his arm around her and they start walking to the direction of the woods and I follow them. I see them go deep into the woods and he starts kissing her. He goes down on her and bites her stomach. She screams, but I come in and I cover her mouth until she, dies. I kinda felt guilty and sad.

"You just gonna stand there?" Ryder smirks with his mouth covered in blood. I forgot about all of that guilt, I was just so hungry. Afterwards the guilt came back. We left her in the woods and we walked back home.

"Will I always feel guilty?" I ask.

"Some do, that's why they chose animals, don't worry, you'll decide soon" Ryder says. We arrive home and we go inside, Eli is on the couch drinking a glass of blood.

"Hey" I say to Eli. He just looks at me.

"You sick or something?" Ryder says.

"Ryder can you give us some time to talk?" I ask.

"Sure" Ryder runs upstairs. I sit next to Eli and he moves over a little.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Not important" Eli says.

"Obviously it is so.." I say.

"I don't like this new you" Eli says.

"What new me? I'm the same person?" I say.

"The Macy I knew, would never eat people!" Eli says.

"Ryder said it's just a phase, I'll get through" I say.

"No, some werewolves chose to eat humans, some can't stop eating humans some, like me, can survive on animals" Eli says.

"Well I'm sorry I'm a werewolf now and not the old human Macy you wanted, I didn't choose to be this way" I say.

"By the way, I wasn't gonna continue eating humans, it's too much guilt for me to handle" I walk upstairs to my room and I bathe. I put on my pajamas and I go too sleep.

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