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I wake up in a giant corn field. My clothes were all ripped, my body had cuts all over. I feel dry blood on my mouth, and I smelt something bad. My eyes adjust and next to me, was a body I've never seen before. Stomach ripped out, bite marks all over. It was a man around their twenties, he was dead. I then realize what happened. I gasp, I killed him. I run as fast as I could straight ahead trying to find my way out of the field. I soon find myself in the middle of the road. I run through the traffic, cars honking and beeping at me. I run into an alley, it was the same alley Lukas caught me in. As I'm running a hand grabs me by the arm. I turn around.

"Lukas!" I get out of his grip.

"So your one of us now" Lukas smirks.

"No, I'm not!" I say.

"I remember when I was just like you, now look at me" He looks at my eyes.

"Your eyes, they're purple?" Lukas says.

"All because of you!" I roar.

"No, your not a normal wolf" Lukas steps back, and he.. runs away behind me? Lukas, runs away from me?

"The hell?" I shake it off and I run back to the motel.

No sign of Eli or Ryder anywhere. I go to the bathroom and I look in the mirror. My eyes were a dark shade of purple.

"I'm a werewolf? I've killed somebody" I say to myself.

"Where could she be!" I hear a voice say and a door shut. I peek out the bathroom door to see Ryder and Eli sitting on the left bed.

"I'm sure she's fine, wherever she is" Ryder says.

"I sure hope so Eli says.

"Guys?" Walk out of the bathroom.

"Macy!" Eli hugs me tightly.

"What happened are you ok?" Eli asks.

"You never remember your first transformation, remember?" Ryder says.

"I, I"

"What is it Macy?" Eli says.

"I ate and killed somebody" They both sigh.

"That's normal, you didn't know what your were doing, the second or third time you'll be in control" Eli says.

"Oh so it's normal to kill someone" I say.

"Macy, I know this is hard for you, but you have to tell us everything" Eli sits on the bed. I sit next to him Ryder paces back and forth.

"I woke up in a corn field, a dead man was laying next to me. Stomach ripped out, bite marks all over. I panicked and ran out of the field. I ended up in the same alley from yesterday, Lukas was there. He told me I wasn't a normal werewolf and ran away, because of my eyes" I say.

"You aren't, your a puitant werewolf, your actually more dangerous than other wolfs, your stronger and faster" Ryder says.

"I'll be back" Eli says, his eyes fully red.

"Were are you -"

"To find Lukas, and kill him" Eli says.

"Not without me" I stand.

"No" Eli says.

"I have an advantage, he's afraid of me" I say.

"I'm coming too" Ryder says.

"Fine" Eli says.

"He ran away, how can we find him" I say.

"His scent, you have to learn how to track people, smell me" Ryder says. It was weird at first, but when I did, I kinda caught a scent of what he smelt like. I then could find the places he has been the bed, the bathroom.

"Wow" I say.

"I'll track him, get your bags, were going home" Eli grabs his bag. Ryder and I do the same and we head out to my jeep. It takes a couple of hours, but I guess as a werewolf, I'm not as tired. I drive all the way home without stopping. We go home first to drop off our things.

"Almost forgot" Eli runs back in the house. He comes out with two guns.

"Whoa" I step back.

"Relax, it's loaded with silver bullets, the only thing that can kill a werewolf" Ryder takes one.

They then show me the way to Lukas's home.

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