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We walk back home and we tell Ryder what happened. I can't believe I actually did it.

"Congratulations, I think that we should celebrate" Ryder says.

"How?" I say.

"We're going out for lunch, at two, be ready" Ryder says.

Until then, we all look up schools I could go to that are near us while crowding on the couch. I don't even wanna go back to my old school, I wanna start fresh. So far we've gotten North Rexford High.

"But, I don't have parents anymore?" I say.

"Never thought about that" Eli says.

"You have a brother?" Ryder points to himself with his finger.

"Oh! You could be my "legal guardian" I say.

"That could work, wanna do it?" Ryder says.

"Uh, yes! Register me!" I say.

"Me too" Eli says.

"You too?" Ryder asks.

"Yea" Eli says.

"Ok, Full name?" Ryder says.

"Macy Rose Lowell" I say.

"Allergies?" Ryder says.

"No" I say. He types for awhile.

"Ok your all set, Elijah Alex Wolfhert" Ryder says.

"Ok, your both set, they'll send me an email when you guys can start" Ryder says.

"Thank you" I say. Ryder's eyes shift to the corner of his screen.

"Lunch time" Ryder says.

"Were we goin?" Eli asks.

"To that little dine in, by the bar" Ryder says. It was walking distance, not that far. We arrive and we sit at a booth closest to the door. I sit next to Eli, and Ryder sits across from us.

"Hello, I'm Mary" The waiter walks up to us handing us all a small menu.

"Drinks?" She asks.

"Umm, water" I say.

"Same" Eli says.

"Same" Ryder says.

"Be right back" Mary walks off.

She comes back with our waters, that was quick.

"Thank you" Eli smiles.

"I'll be right back to take your orders" Mary walks off. I glance at the television screen. The news was on. I take a sip of my water and I see Hugo on the screen, I almost choke.

"What?" Ryder says. I try to talk, but I just kept coughing.

"What is it?" Eli pats my back. I point to the tv screen. The caption says: Dangerous animal attacks?

"Whoa" Ryder says. I could barely hear over the talking in the room so I read the captions. He was talking about, werewolves and that he can get proof we exist.

"That fucking asshole" Ryder says.

"He knows where we live" I whisper.

"He's not gonna expose us because if he does, I will rip off his head" Ryder says.

"Ryder this is serious" I say.

"Who said I was joking?" Ryder whispers.

"You guys ready to order?" Mary asks. We all pause and look up at her.

"Um give us one second" I say. I wait until she's out of sight to talk again.

"He can't just do that" I say.

"What should we do?" Eli says.

"We kill him, before he exposes us to the world" Ryder says.

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