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I wake up and I look out the curtains, it's dark out. I must've been asleep for a long time. I hear a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I ask. The door opens to reveal Eli.

"You hungry?" Eli asks.

"Starving, I haven't eaten for about two days and a half, I don't eat the school lunch" I say.

"Wanna go out?" Eli says.

"I have no money" I say.

"You don't need money" Eli goes downstairs and I follow. The fireplace is running and Ryder is sitting on the couch on a laptop with a tray with a bottle of alcohol on top on the table. Eli goes under the table to and takes a wooden box from underneath it. He places it on the table and opens it, it's full of cash.

"Whoa" I say.

"What do you need the money for Elijah?" Ryder asks.

"I'm taking Macy out for dinner" Eli says.

He takes about one hundred dollars and closes the box and putting it back underneath the table.

"Don't stay out too late, and be careful" Ryder says.

I give Eli an "I'm afraid" look.

"Don't worry" Eli says.

"Wait, I have to change" I say.

"Why you look perfectly fine?" Eli says.

"I have a better shirt" I say.

"No, you look beautiful, now lets go" Eli says.

"Have fun" Ryder says.

It's very dark out, the only light I can see is their house.

"Your brother scares me" I whisper once the door is shut.

"Don't let him scare you" I hop on Eli's back and he runs into the city. He stops when we can see light and we walk from there to a restaurant called Vine and Dine with grape symbol next to it. There is a booth with a man in a bow tie and fancy suit behind it.

"Table for two?" Eli asks.

"Right this way sir" The man says. He leads us to a table in the very back of the restaurant. I sit down across from Eli and the waiter hands us both menus.

"Drinks?" The waiter asks.

"I'll have water" I say.

"As will I" Eli says.

"I'll be right back" He says.

"Thank you for taking me out, I've only been to a restaurant once in my life with Hugo and his family" I say.

"No problem" Eli says.

"I have to be honest, I heard you and Ryder-" I stop because I see Eli glancing behind him not even listening to me.

"Eli? Elijah?" He finally faces me.

"I think Lukas is here" Eli whispers.

"What!" I say.

"Shh" Eli says.

"What are we gonna do?" I say. He turns around looking a guy with tattoos all over his body with a black leather jacket on. He sits in the table next to us with about three other guys that also look dangerous and muscular. We hide our faces behind the menus.

"It's no use, he knows my sent" Eli whispers. I look over to see Lukas walking in our direction with his friends all looking at us at the table they were all sitting at.

"Follow my lead" Eli says.

"Elijah, what goes on?" Lukas sits beside Eli, Oh no.

"Hi" Elijah says quietly.

"And who is this beautiful lady?" Lukas asks with a smirk. I try to avoid eye contact with Lukas, he makes me feel uncomfortable, he seems just like Ryder, but worse.

"Umm, a friend from school" Eli says.

"A friend, who happens to be a girl, that your taking out to dinner, what's your name?" Lukas says.

"Amy" I say.

"Alex" Eli and I both say at the same time. Shit. Lukas raises one eyebrow at me.

"Seems like you guys aren't so sure" Lukas says.

"We were just leaving, come on" Eli gets out of the booth grabbing my arm and leads me outside.

"Whoa whoa whoa, I'm not so sure your telling me the truth Elijah" Lukas stands in front of the both us blocking our way. We were already halfway through the woods. All of his friends circle us. Lukas friends grab Eli and holds him back. Lukas puts his hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes.

"What's your name?" Lukas says with his eyes turning green. I push him away

"Don't touch me" I step back, I hate being touched. I blame my father for that.

"You must be Macy, no one has resisted my charms before" Lukas says.

"Lukas, do not touch her, I swear" Eli says.

"You swear? You swear what?" Lukas plays with my hair. I just stand, not knowing what to do. Im not gonna run, he could kill me. He's a lot faster and obviously stronger.

"I'll kill you" Eli says. Lukas stops and looks at Eli.

"Unhand him" Lukas says. The men do as he says.

"Now, you have been acting completely unacceptable these passed few weeks" Lukas says. He looks at me then back at Eli.

"Wait, are you in love with this human?" Lukas asks.

"I'm still loyal to you" Eli sighs.

"That doesn't answer my question, are you in love with her?" Lukas asks.

"No, she means nothing to me" Eli sighs. I thought he cared about me.

"In that case I'll kill her right here" Lukas says. I close my eyes.

"No! Ok yes, yes I'm in love with her" Eli says.

"I still have to kill her" Lukas says. Eli runs over to me and pushes me behind his back.

"No, you kill me first" Eli says. Suddenly, all of their bones start cracking and they sounded like they were breaking.

"Run" Eli says.

"No" I say.

"Macy run!" Eli yells. I run as fast as I could back to the house.

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