Chapter 4... It'll Be Our Little Secret

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Scarlett walked around for about 5 minutes, trying to find Anti, but she had no luck. Then she saw the guy Anti pinned against the wall earlier. "Hey, have you seen someone named Anti?" Scarlett asked him. "Wh- why? Why do you ne- need to find him?" he said, sounding terrified. "I know what happened, I'm his girlfriend." Scarlett said. "H- he stormed off that way." he said, indicating towards the long, abandoned hallway. "Thanks." Scarlett said. Scarlett walked down the hallway, getting a really bad vibe from Anti's presence. "Anti?" Scarlett called out. She didn't get an answer, but instead, she got chills running down her spine. "Please, come out! I want to help you!" Scarlett said. "Scarlett, just leave. I don't want to hurt you." Anti said from the shadows. "Hurt me then, I don't care. I'm not leaving until you come out." Scarlett said with confidence. Anti stepped out from the dark corner of the hallway to reveal himself, and he didn't look the same. His eyes were black with black liquid pouring out of his eyes, nose, and mouth. 

"Anti, are you okay?" Scarlett asked. "What do you fucking think?! You know how I am, but you come looking for me anyways! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Anti yelled. Scarlett pinned Anti against the wall and wiped his face with a couple tissues. Then she kissed him, attempting to calm him down. Fortunately for Scarlett, he began to calm down, while his eyes turned back to the gray color they normally are. "See, now don't you feel better?" Scarlett said. Anti returned the favor and kissed her back. "Yeah, thanks. Just don't fucking do that again. I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you." Anti said, finally calming down. "Come on, let's go to lunch, okay?" Scarlett said. "Wait, how did you know what I did?" Anti asked. "Uh, Luke kind of saw you beat up that guy that's been picking on you, and honestly, he was terrified." Scarlett said. "Oh fucking god, what have I done?!" Anti said while getting angry again. "Hey, calm down. It's okay, you're fine. I told them that you get in "moods" often, they understand, okay?" Scarlett said to calm Anti down. Anti picked up his shades off the ground and put them back on, then his nose started to bleed. "Hey, I can take you to the nurse if you want." Scarlett said. Anti nodded his head and they headed to the nurse's office. "Hi, what's wrong?" the nurse asked. "His nose started to bleed. Can you help him?" Scarlett asked. "Yeah, just take a seat, and I'll be with you in a second." the nurse said. "You want me to stay or?" Scarlett said. "No, I'm good, you can go. Tell Liam and Luke I'm sorry for scaring them." Anti said. Scarlett nodded her head and left Anti with the nurse. 

"So, it just started or how long has this been going on?" she asked. "It just started out of nowhere, last night it happened too." Anti said. "Let me check your temperature just in case you could be sick." she said to Anti. "Oh, you're definitely sick, 103.8. You need to go home, can you drive yourself or do you need to have someone to come and get you?" she asked. "Yeah, I can't drive yet." Anti said to her. "Okay, what's your home number?" she asked. Anti gave her the number and she called. "Hello?" Mark answered. "Hi, this is the nurse at school. I need to have someone to pick up Anti, he has a really high fever and his nose won't stop bleeding." the nurse told Mark. "Okay, someone will be there in 20 minutes." Mark said. "Okay, Anti. Someone will be here in 20 minutes to take you home. You can rest here until they get here." the nurse said. Anti conked out almost immediately. 

In the lunchroom...

Scarlett comes back to their table to explain what happened. "Hey, did you find Anti?" Luke asked. "Yeah, I did. He's at the nurse's office now. He wanted me to tell you that's he's sorry he scared you." Scarlett said. "I forgive him, that guy kind of deserved it to be honest." Luke said. "Why is he at the nurse's? Did he get hurt during the fight?" Liam asked. "No, his nose started bleeding and he just didn't feel well." Scarlett said. "Is he going to be at practice today or should I tell the coach that he went home sick?" Luke asked. "Uh, I think that answers your question!" Liam said, pointing to Dark walking into the building. "What's he doing here?" Luke asked. "He might be picking up Anti, I have no idea." Scarlett said.

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