Chapter 8... Doctor in the House

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Dark heard those people screaming for help, and when it stopped, he knew that they came to look for them. He was walking, trying to find any indication that they were there, nothing. Until he saw Anti, with Scarlett pinned on the tree behind them. "Fuck, he's going to torture his girlfriend. I have to save her." Dark said to himself. Dark kept watching and he was caught off guard. Anti starting kissing Scarlett, but he didn't know why Anti was so calm with her, given what he did to all the others. Dark accidentally stepped on a twig, it snapped. Anti heard it and went running for blood, running to kill. Scarlett slid down the tree as soon as she saw Dark in the distance. Dark ran over to her to see what was wrong. "Scarlett, what happened? Are you okay?" Dark asked with concern. "I- I can't see anything. And I can't feel my legs, what's happening, Dark?" Scarlett asked with worry. "Oh, shit. Anti must've poisoned you with something. Let's get you back to the car, okay? You'll be okay." Dark said to her. "Hey, Dark? I have to ask you something. There was this one guy that Anti tied up, he knew Anti was a demon. How is that possible?" Scarlett asked. Dark got a really worried look on his face. "This could be bad. Is it possible that he could know stuff about demons?" Dark asked while he picked up Scarlett bridal style. Scarlett shrugged her shoulders as Dark walked closer to the exit of the forest. 

Dark saw Mark's van next to Jack's and he ran right for it. Dark didn't see Jack in his van so he went and checked Mark's van. "Oh, come on! That's not a real thing." Jack said to Liam, referring to a card game that Liam was teaching him to play. "It is to a thing, how am I doing it then if it doesn't exist?" Liam said with a sassy tone. Jack jumped and flung his cards when Dark came in carrying Scarlett. "Aww, you flung the cards all over!" Liam said. "We have bigger things to worry about than a card game." Dark said in a stern tone. "Scarlett, there's blood all over you, are you okay?" Jack asked with concern. "I'm fine other than Anti poisoning me." Scarlett said. "Wait, what?! He poisoned you? How could he do that?" Liam said. "Bigger question is why didn't he lash out at you? He didn't really attack you like he did with everyone else." Dark said. "I have no idea, he kissed me. I have no idea why though, I thought he was going to capture me, and I was ready for it." Scarlett said. "That explains the blood all over you, he was all over you, but that doesn't explain the poison." Liam said. "I know I was just in a crash, but is someone watching us over there?" Jack asked, pointing to a figure about 10 yards away. "You're not seeing things, I see him too." Liam said. "Scarlett, that person you described before, what did he look like?" Dark asked. "Uh, he had on all black with gages in his ears, and he had a tattoo of a skull with light blue flames on it, why?" Scarlett asked. "He's watching us." Jack said. "And now he's walking toward us." Liam said. "Let's just- see what he-" Scarlett said as she blacked out. "Scarlett! Come on, wake up!" Dark said. "Liam, go ask that guy if he can help us!" Jack said. Liam flagged him down, fortunately. "Can you help us in any way, our friend is poisoned, we think." Liam said. "Yeah, I think I can help. Let me take a look at her." Nate said. "Wait, how did you know it was a her?" Liam asked. "Like how I know it's Scarlett, and how she was poisoned by Anti? Yeah, I know a lot of things." Nate said. Liam stared in shock, thinking he was psychic. "Scarlett, what did Anti do this time?" Nate said to himself. "I'll step out so you can have some room, Jack you stay here." Dark said as he stepped out. "So, who are you exactly?" Jack asked. "Name's Nate, but some people call me Natemare. I was kidnapped by Anti, and Scarlett rescued me. He's chaining people to trees and putting IVs in their arms." Nate explained. "So, how can you help her?" Jack asked. "If I do this, you swear you won't tell anyone?" Nate asked. "Yeah, I swear." Jack said. Nate's eyes turned light blue and so did Scarlett  as he started draining the poison from her system. "What the hell?! You're a demon, aren't you?" Jack asked. Nate nodded his head as he continued with Scarlett.

5 minutes later...

"Okay, I'm all finished, she should be awake in a minute or two. You're lucky you flagged me down, she was close to being dead." Nate said. "Wait, what?! What did Anti poison her with, do you know?" Jack asked. "Yeah, I do know, he poisoned her with Batrachotoxin (an extremely potent cardiotoxic and neurotoxic steroidal alkaloid found in certain species of frogs, melyrid beetles, and birds). "How did Anti get that into her system?" Jack asked. "He could have only touched her and she would contract it, but it was on her lips the most, so Anti had the poison on his lips, kissed her, and that's how it happened." Nate said. Scarlett woke up in fear, trying to back away from Nate. "Scarlett, what's wrong?" Jack said. "It's what happened while I was healing her. What happens is I basically go into people's minds to heal them and that causes some pretty disturbing nightmares, with me being the... You get the point, I show up in those said nightmares." Nate explained. Scarlett went over to Jack and hugged him tightly. Jack screamed in pain from the internal injuries that had not been discovered yet. "Jack! I'm so sorry!" Scarlett said. "Mind if I take a look? It's what I do best." Nate offered. "Y- yeah, go ahead." Jack said while wincing from the pain. Nate lifted up Jack's shirt to see if there was anything exteriorly causing his pain, Jack's whole body was bruised, indicating heavy internal bleeding. "Jack, this is serious, you could die. I can heal you up if you want." Nate said. "Yes, please. I hate going to hospitals." Jack said jokingly. "How can you in such good of a mood while in this much pain?" Nate asked. "That's Jack for you, happy as always." Scarlett said. "Okay, you ready? You're going to pass out so I can heal you, so just relax." Nate said. "I'm ready." Jack said. Nate's eyes again turned light blue and Jack slipped into unconsciousness as Nate began to heal him.

"So, this is the nightmare, huh?  What's in store here, if anyone is here, say something." Jack said. A high-pitched demonic laugh ran out and a vision stopped Jack in his path. It was Nate, and he had someone blindfolded and tied to a chair with blood all over them. "Nate, what are you doing?!" Jack demanded. "What do you think? I'm having a little party! You should come join us!" Nate said with an eerily cheerful tone. Jack was hit on the back of the head and woke up moments later in a chair. Nate walked towards him, but he looked different. He painted his eye sockets black with dark blue tears running down his face. "What the hell is this? Tell me!" Jack shouted. "Welcome to my music box, I'm the Marionette! Let's play a game, shall we? I'll play a song and if you escape before the song ends, you win, but if you don't, you'll become one of us. Got it?" Nate asked. Jack nodded his head and was suddenly tied up in rope. A really creepy song started to play, sending shivers up Jack's spine. He struggled and struggled but he couldn't break free, then the song ended. "Time's up, you know what that means, Jack. Or now your new name, Springtrap!" Nate said joyfully. "What?! New name?! What the fuck is this?!" Jack yelled. "Boys, come and do the ritual!" Nate said. Two figures came out from the shadows, Mark, who was now called "Foxy" and Felix, who was now called "Toy Bonnie". "Hold him up!" Nate said while he pointed to a device in the corner. Jack was pulled by "Foxy" and "Toy Bonnie" over to this machine called "The Scooper", Jack looked at it with fear. A siren went off and the machine gutted Jack instantly. He woke up with the vision of wires hanging in front of  his line of sight, not being able to bend his arms like he used to, and the smell of blood in the air. "Welcome to the family!" Nate said with joy while smiling at Jack...

3 hours since Nate healed Jack...

"Okay, why isn't he awake yet, it's been over 3 hours since you were done." Scarlett asked. "I have no clue, he should've woke up hours ago." Nate said with a little bit of worry. "Okay, what's taking so long in here?" Dark said. Scarlett and Nate looked at each other with worry about what they were going to tell Dark. "Uh, Dark? We have something to tell you. You might want to sit down." Scarlett said calmly. "What is it?" Dark asked. "Nate is a demon." Scarlett said. "Are you serious? You came here and didn't say a word about it?!" Dark said, getting angry. Nate backed away as far as he could, but not far enough. Dark pins Nate against the back seat with a strong red glow coming from him. "He's a demon?! He hides well." Nate said as a light blue glow came from him. Scarlett backed out of the van with Jack still passed out because she knew that it was going to turn ugly. "Scarlett! You're okay! What happened to Jack?" Liam asked. "Uh, this is gonna be bad, but, uh-" Scarlett said as she was interrupted by a loud scream coming from the entrance of the forest. "What was that?!" Liam said. "I don't know! Watch Jack while I go find out." Scarlett said with caution. 

She ran over to the entrance of the forest to see 3 figures coming out, 2 of them looked limp, the other was struggling. It was Luke, Mark, and Felix. Luke pulled Mark and Felix out of the forest and collapsed to the ground with them. "Luke! What happened?!" Scarlett asked. "Anti happened! He knocked me out then tied me to a tree, Mark and Felix came, but, Anti did this to them, he nearly killed them for trying to protect me." Luke said while his voice shakes. "I'll get Mark, you grab Felix, we need to go right now!" Scarlett shouted. Liam ran over quick to help out to find a blue and red glow coming from the van. Scarlett, Liam, and Luke set both Mark and Felix next to Jack. Then they were greeted by Dark, who was pushed out of the van by Nate, who was glowing a darker blue now. "Dark? What are you doing?" Luke asked. "Ask him, he's fucking crazy!" Dark said. "How is he crazy?" Scarlett said. Nate came out of the car with huge horns coming out of his head and dark blue irises forming in his eyes. "He has horns?! Dark, why don't you have those?" Liam said jokingly. Scarlett stopped the tension by pinning Nate up against the van as hard as she could. Nate started to return back to normal with the dark brown eyes and his glow faded, but his horns remained. "I- I'm sorry, I lost my temper for a minute there. I didn't mean it, I swear." Nate said. "Why did you lose it?" Dark asked. "Oh my god, what happened to them?" Nate asked. "I have no idea how bad their injuries are, can you please fix them?" Scarlett asked. "Yeah, of course. And try to wake up Jack while I'm doing this, okay?" Nate said. Scarlett and Luke nodded their heads and shook Jack and actually woke him up, but when he did, he lost it and ran into the woods like the only other option was to be killed. Scarlett ran after Jack while everybody else stayed at the "base" until they could find a way to stop Anti...

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