Chapter 11... Evil Repercussions

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"Are you kidding me? I fucking did that, and you fueled it?!" Anti asked with anger. "It was the only way! You refused to kill anyone, so I had to return you back to normal!" Dark shouted back. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Did you even think about what would happen?! I could have hurt you guys in more ways that you couldn't believe!" Anti shouted louder. Everyone backed into Jack's room and left those 2 to figure things out. "What's going to happen now?" Liam asked with worry. "I have no clue, I've never seen Dark get that angry, or Anti for that matter." Mark said. "How bad do you think this will get?" Luke asked. "Uh, I don't-" Jack said as he was cut off by glass shattering. "Uh, what was that?!" Nate said. "We need to go and check. They won't attack us, right?" Scarlett asked. "They shouldn't, they're mad at each other, not us." Mark said. 

Before they opened the door, they heard someone pacing around in a panic, and judging how loud it was, they assumed it was Dark. "Dark did something, didn't he?" Jack asked. "Judging by how that sounds, yeah." Mark said nervously. They all walk out to find Dark nearly hyperventilating. "Dark, what did you do?" Jack asked. "I didn't- I didn't want to, he just- he came after me with a knife! I had to defend myself, you have to understand why I did it." Dark said shakily. They looked and found Anti on the floor with a knife in hand, knocked out from a glass vase that Dark used to defend himself. "Nate, can you check on him, see if he's okay?" Jack asked. "Ye- yeah, I'll check him out." Nate said, stuttering a little. "Dark, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Mark asked. "No, he didn't get that close, as you can see." Dark said. "Anti's going to be fine, he's just knocked out for a bit. He just needs some rest." Nate said. Mark and Scarlett carried Anti to his room and set him on his bed. "Scarlett, are you okay? You look like you're gonna be sick." Mark asked with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just probably coming down with something, just some rest should fix it." Scarlett said reassuringly. Mark and Jack gave pillows and blankets to Liam, Luke, an Nate while Scarlett slept with Anti.

3:25 AM...

Scarlett got up suddenly and walked to the bathroom, trying to not wake anyone up. She felt like she was going to vomit, so she did, pretty violently as well. Nate woke up to the sound of Scarlett in the bathroom, so he went to check on her. "Woah, are you okay? I heard you from all the way from the living room." Nate asked with concern. "I- I don't know. Actually to be honest, no. I feel horrible, and I feel like I'm dying!" Scarlett snapped. "Okay, no need to snap at me like that. Anything else you want to tell me? Any other symptoms?" Nate asked. "Just this vomiting, anything else you fucking need to ask?!" Scarlett yelled. Nate looked shocked by how Scarlett was acting and speaking. "Scarlett, you need to calm down." Nate said calmly. Scarlett suddenly out of anger pins Nate against the wall. "What the hell is wrong with you? Please, just calm down!" Nate shouted. Dark bursted into the room with a shocked look on his face. "Woah, what's going on here?" Dark asked. "Get her off me! She's really pissed." Nate shouted. Dark pulled Scarlett off of Nate and faced her towards him, her eyes were black like an abyss. 

"Scarlett, what happened to you?" Dark asked. "Do you know something, Dark?" Nate asked. "I think she's possessed by a demon. Her eyes are black, like an abyss. And that would explain why she's been having a change in mood." Dark whispered. "Maybe, I can check her for that, I need her to stay still long enough though." Nate said. Dark had a plan to subdue Scarlett long enough to keep her still. Dark pinned Scarlett lightly to the wall, hoping that was enough to hold her, but Scarlett eluded Dark's grasp and pinned him instead. "Nate, go get help, now!" Dark whispered. Nate snuck out of the bathroom, looked at Anti and decided to go to Jack and Mark for help. 

"Mark, wake up!" Nate shouted. Mark jumped up immediately. "What the hell? It's almost 3:30 in the morning, why are you in here?" Mark asked. "It's Scarlett, she's possessed, I think." Nate said nervously. "Why didn't you say so sooner?! JACK!!" Mark shouted. Jack ran out of his room in a hurry. "What is it?" Jack asked. "Scarlett is possessed by a demon and has Dark in her grasp!" Nate said anxiously. All of them ran out into the living room to find that Liam and Luke woke up. "What's happening? Why do you guys seem so freaked out?" Luke asked. "Yeah, I was wondering the same thing." Liam added. "Scarlett's possessed, let's just leave it at that!" Nate said nervously. "What?!" Luke and Liam said at the same time.

 "Does Anti know about this yet?" Mark asked. "I was gonna tell him first, but he's still knocked out cold. So no, he doesn't know." Nate said. "We'll stay here, you need to check on her, right now." Jack said. "Mark, you need to come with me. You have the most muscle, so that'll help this." Nate said. Mark nodded his head and went in cautiously. "What going on in there?" Mark asked. "Let me take a look." Nate said. Scarlett had Dark pinned to the wall, but something suddenly changed. Scarlett started to stumble to the floor, but Dark caught her before she did. "Scarlett, you need to calm down, okay?" Scarlett nodded her head with a shocked look on her face. "Scarlett, you need to stay still so I can check you, okay? I have a hunch that you're being possessed my a demon." Nate said. Scarlett managed to stay still long enough for Nate's healing process to work.

10 minutes later...

Nate was still working on Scarlett, everyone else was in the living room, and Anti started to come to. Anti walked out into the living room to find everyone pacing around nervously. "Guys, why are you pacing like that?" Anti asked. "Who wants to tell him, because I'm not going to. After what he did to me, I'm honestly afraid to." Dark said. "Okay, Anti. We have reason to believe that Scarlett is being possessed by a demon, a different one." Jack said. "Oh, god. This isn't good." Anti said as tears filled his eyes. Luke went up and hugged Anti, he hugged back fortunately. "How long does it take Nate?" Luke asked from across the house. "Give me a couple more minutes." Nate said. 

4 hours later...

Everyone fell asleep in the living room since Nate took longer than he said. Nate walked in with an extremely worried look on his face. He went up to Anti and woke him up. "Anti, we need to talk, right now." Nate said seriously. Anti nodded his head and they both walked into his room to talk privately. "So, what's wrong with Scarlett? Is she possessed?" Anti asked. "Sort of..." Nate said with a pause. "What do you mean sort of? What does that mean?" Anti asked. "She does have a demon inside of her, but not like how Dark took control of her. It's really different." Nate explained. Anti looked confused to what Nate said. "Anti, she's pregnant." Nate said. Anti grew an extremely shocked look on his face. 

"She's pregnant? How is that possible?" Anti asked with concern. "I didn't think it was possible either, but apparently it is. She is going to have your baby, but it could go 2 different ways." Nate said. "What do you mean by that?" Anti asked. "Well, first way: she will possess the demon baby's powers, transforming Scarlett into a demon and the baby will be human. Second way: she has enough power to control herself and she gives birth, thus the baby will be born a demon." Nate explained. "How long do we have before it comes?" Anti asked. "About 11 months. People who give birth to demons or actual demons have a longer gestation period than humans, but the symptoms can be worse. She's starting to experience them. The weird changes of mood, that's a big one. And the nausea as well." Nate explained. Scarlett walked out of the bathroom, looking at Anti, he smiled at her. "So, you know now. How do you feel about all this?" Scarlett asked. "I'm- speechless. But it's a good speechless. We can do this." Anti said to her. "Let's go tell everyone the news." Scarlett said.

Anti, Scarlett, and Nate walk out of the room to face everybody. "Scarlett, you're okay. You are, right?" Jack asked. "So, what's wrong? Are you possessed?" Liam asked. "Uh, kind of." Scarlett said, trying to make them guess the news. "She wants you to guess, I can tell." Anti said smiling. "OH! OH MY GOD!" Dark said, knowing what they want to tell them. "I guess Dark knows, how about the rest of you?" Scarlett asked, still smiling. Jack gives a surprised look, then he smiles at them, same with Liam and Luke. "Oh, come on! What are we missing?" Mark asked while Felix was about to say the same thing. "Do we really have to tell you?" Anti said. "Yes, we have no clue!" Felix said. "Scarlett's pregnant dude! How did you not get that?!" Anti asked. "Oh my god! How did we not get that?!" Mark asked. Everyone got up and formed a circle group hug. "So, what happens now?" Jack asked.

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