Chapter 6... A Demon By Heart

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"What the fuck was that?! That was too loud." Felix said. "I have no idea, should we go to the window again?" Jack asked. "Yeah, I think that would be best. Should we all go or should one of us stay here?" Mark said. "I'll stay here, you guys go." Scarlett said. "Okay, watch your back." Liam said. Felix, Mark, Jack, Liam, and Luke left out the front door and made their way toward the window. They heard screaming from both Dark and Anti, laughing from both of them as well. "Uh, who's first?" Luke asked. "I'll look first." Jack said Jack peered into the window to see Dark, all bloody and cut up, chaining Anti to the bed, still with that red glow coming from him. "Oh, shit." Jack said while walking backwards. "What, what happened?" Felix asked. "Look for yourself." Jack said. Liam and Felix walked towards the window, Dark returning back to normal. "Dark! Are you okay? What did he do to you?!" Liam said. "Forget about it, I'm- fine." Dark said, sounding really exhausted. "Your nearly skinned, you're not fine!" Felix said. "I figured out a way to control my rage. Hurry, open the window so I can climb out of here before Anti comes to." Dark said. They opened the window and pulled Dark out as fast as they could and closed it tightly. "We'll get you cleaned up, okay?" Jack said. They all ran in the door and had Dark sit on the couch.

"Oh, god. What did Anti do to you?" Scarlett said. "What do you think? He nearly skinned me alive and- he-" Dark said as he started to black out. "Come on, Dark. We need you to stay awake for us, okay? We'll patch you up." Jack said. "Luke, get a first aid kit from my bathroom, okay?" Mark said. "Okay, what does it look like?" Luke said. "It's white with a red cross on it." Mark said. Luke walked in the bathroom and found the first aid kit and ran back out. "Here." Luke said while handing it to Mark. "Okay, Dark. This is gonna really fucking hurt, so brace yourself." Mark said while holding a bottle of peroxide. Mark poured it onto Dark, he screamed in pain as the peroxide did its job. "FUCKING HELL! WHAT IS THAT SHIT?!" Dark screamed as his red glow came back. "Dark, calm down, you're going to be fine!" Mark said calmly. Dark started to calm down after about 30 seconds. "Never fucking do that, EVER AGAIN!" Dark shouted. "It had to be done." Jack said while he bandaged him up. Dark now looked like a real life mummy. "Hey, Dark? Is that your Halloween costume?" Felix said while laughing. Dark's red glow came back, he pinned Felix against the wall. "You fucking think that's funny?!" Dark yelled. "Jeez, it was a joke. Can't you take a joke?" Felix said. Dark let go of Felix and sat back down on the couch. "Okay, we need to take shifts because we need some sleep." Jack suggested. "Yeah, good idea. So, are we pairing up or what?" Scarlett asked. "Okay, how about Luke and Liam, Scarlett and Jack, and Me and Felix?" Mark suggested. "Yeah, good idea, who's taking first shift watching the door?" Felix asked. "We can do it." Jack said. Scarlett nodded her head in agreement. Everyone else went into separate rooms and went to bed while Jack and Scarlett watched the door and kept an eye on Dark.

"Hey, Jack?" Scarlett said. "Hmm?" Jack replied. "What do you think is going to happen, where Anti is concerned?" Scarlett asked. "Honestly, I don't know. He's worse than he's ever been, and I'm scared to see what he can do." Jack admitted.

1 hour later...

Jack suddenly heard chains rattling and growling coming from Dark's room while Scarlett nodded off next to him. "Scarlett, wake up!" Jack said while shaking her. "What's wrong?" Scarlett asked. "Listen to that." Jack said, indicating to Anti growling while trying to escape from the chains. "And he's awake. Great." Scarlett said. "Oh, you think you're so smart?! Oh, you have no fucking clue what I'll do to you after I get out of here!" Anti screamed as the house shook, which made everyone wake up, except for Dark. "Oh, no. He's awake, isn't he?" Mark said with worry. "Yeah, he is, and he's fucking pissed, if you already couldn't tell." Scarlett said. "Oh, fucking good. I got you all here, ABOUT FUCKING TIME! You are so lucky Dark chained me here, he's smarter than I first thought. Because if he didn't, I would be having so much fun right about now!" Anti yelled angrily. Dark woke up finally after about 15 minutes after everyone came out. "I think it's time, to unleash the demon." Dark said. Everyone gave a shocked look to Dark. "Okay, you can't control him on your own, who's going with you?" Mark asked. "Jack is. Anti won't kill him, he's smart, that's for sure." Dark said. "Okay, let's do this. What do I do?" Jack asked Dark. "Okay, here's the plan. Me and Jack will lead Anti somewhere secluded, where there is only a couple people around, then we let him do his thing. But in order to get out of here, all of you have to leave or hide, you guys have to decide. Leaving is probably less risky, but it will be harder for us to get Anti where he needs to be." Dark said. "We'll hide. We have to barricade ourselves so he doesn't see us, or hear us." Scarlett said. "Okay, hide. Now!" Dark said. They all hid in Jack's room and locked the door behind them. Jack and Dark moved all the barricades and unlocked the door.

Anti started to laugh maniacally when they walked in. "A- Anti, it's- it's time." Jack said while stuttering. "Okay, we both need to restrain him when we bring him out to the car, so he can't try to hurt us, okay?" Dark asked. Jack nodded his head in agreement. They both cautiously released Anti from the chains and Dark grabbed him fast so he didn't try to get away. "Oh! You think you can hold me down that easily?! You're fucking underestimating what I can really do!" Anti said in a demonic voice. Anti broke free of Dark's grasp and pinned Jack to the wall. Anti's face was close to Jack's, extremely close, a little too close. "Uh, you're a bit- too close, don't you think?" Jack said with a scared expression. Anti tilted his head at a 50 degree angle and smiled at Jack, blood stained on his teeth. Jack started to breathe rapidly, looking at Dark for assistance. "Dark, a little help here?!" Jack whispered. Dark walked up slowly behind them and pulled Anti slowly off of Jack and handcuffed his hands behind his back. "There, happy now?" Dark said sarcastically to Jack. "Let's just go, right now." Jack said, still freaked out about what just happened. As Jack and Dark walked Anti towards the front door, Anti heard something that Jack and Dark couldn't, a person. "There's still someone in here, isn't there? Anti asked as his eyes started to glow crimson, indicating that he wanted to kill. "Shit, we need to leave, right now!" Dark whispered to Jack. Jack and Dark pushed Anti out of the door as quick as possible and they shut the door as quick as they could. "That was close, wasn't it?" Jack said to Dark. "Yeah, too close. Look what I found." Dark said, holding a syringe. "Where did you get that?! Is that Anti's?!" Jack said in shock. "Yes, now hold him down, now!" Dark yelled quickly. Jack and Dark caught Anti off guard and attempted to sedate him. "Oh, you know what? I'm not even mad at you guys for doing that." Anti said in a daze. "That worked well, thank god. Jack said. "I know a town we can go to." Dark said.

1 hour later...

Jack was driving while Dark was holding down Anti since the sedative obviously wore off. "How much longer, Dark?" Jack asked. "Goddamn it Anti, hold still! Sorry, what's the question?" Dark asked while trying to restrain Anti. "Nevermind, we're nearly there." Jack said. "You're trying so hard, for nothing! You're so fucking lucky that you're stronger than me, Dark, or you guys would be dead, so fucking dead!" Anti shouted as he started to thrash and laugh, trying to elude Dark's hold on him. Anti's eyes were glowing even brighter than before, Dark tried to rush Jack to get there faster. "He's about to lose it, fucking drive faster, Jack!" Dark shouted. "I'm going as fast as I can! Quit distracting me!" Jack shouted back. Anti stopped thrashing for a moment, stared at the steering wheel, then suddenly Jack lost control. "Jack, what are you doing?!" Dark yelled. "I have no control, I can't turn it!" Jack yelled nervously. Anti started laughing maniacally. "Nighty night, guys!" Anti said as the car crashed into a building. The last thing Jack and Dark heard before they blacked out was Anti's psychotic laughter, followed along with sirens from police and ambulances...

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