Chapter 11: "Time to say goodbye"

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The air glistened in front of her, and bunny Meroko knew before the figure appeared that her time with Eniki was now to come to a close.

The family had made marvelous progress the last two weeks, Meroko had been sitting unnoticed on Eniki's bed all that time, the girl having all but forgotten her short-lived best friend and guardian. Meroko poofed into her spirit form as the boy united before her, knowing before she asked anyway that she would not even be allowed to say goodbye.

"She has to forget about you now, Meroko, it is the most difficult part of our job."

"I know," whispered Meroko sadly, her own thoughts soon uplifting her again. "It feels so good to have been," Meroko blushed, "here," she finished.

Her friend and angelic partner grabbed her hand and smiled gently into her eyes, encompassing her in his gaze as she warmed herself in his.  It was time to say goodbye.

"I don't feel that I need to be anywhere yet," she said as they floated along, "Uhhh... is the dog okay?" for her partner had been assisting a stray in finding a home, alternatively helping the home find a good companion.

"You're welcome to come meet the Ando family with me, I think they called him Slice, and he fit in perfectly."

Meroko allowed herself to be led to a middle sized townhouse not three blocks from Eniki's house. Even from outside, she could hear the sounds of children playing inside, and a dog yapping merrily with its playmates.

She stopped, soaring in the air above the house, a strange, unpleasant sensation alerting her to the nearby presence of another supernatural being.

"There is a Shinigami here," she said, no hint of emotion in her voice. "Perhaps we'd better go."

"A Shinigami? Oh..." and the boy's voice trailed off as he cast his eyes downward sadly, "the father was having respiratory problems when I brought the dog, I wonder if," and here he could not continue, until Meroko gently hovered next to him and wrapped her arms gently around him.

"But I wouldn't have brought the dog here if it would have meant his death, would I? I mean, why would they," he paused, "why would I let myself do that?"

Meroko began feeling course waves of queasiness as the strong sensation began to crush her, and briefly she thought she glimpsed a dark tint in the air that must have been the presence of the death angels. She convulsed as the feeling swept through her, causing her to drop swiftly towards the ground, became motionless barely by two comforting arms.

"You..." she gasped, "don't feel that? It's... so... strong,"

Suddenly, everything blackened.

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