Chapter 2: "Meroko's Point of View!"

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Feathers fluttering behind her, wings acting as sails pushing her ever higher into the realms where she had not gone in her previous incarnation, Negi Ramen's Meroko now floated hazily through her old home in the netherworld, seemingly invisible to everyone, and unable to interact with the props which surrounded her, as if she were a ghost in this world. Confused, but not surprised or alarmed as she might have been, Meroko gently followed the guiding pulse in her heart, approaching a destination which she neither knew nor truly wondered about, but could only feel as the proper direction.

Peaceful, she thought to herself, I feel so . . . peaceful.

Gliding along past friends, rather, acquaintances of old, she stopped as if to speak to a few before she noticed the haste and inwardness which seemed so common amongst them, and instead spun past them as she sailed further along, a sensation overtaking her as if her being were expanding.

Bakeries, small malls, old avenues all swiftly fled past her, around her, until finally Meroko began to feel saddened by the eminent leave of her old home for the new realm to which she was destined, and chose a familiar storefront at which to stop. Though on its face it seemed like all the others, she sat down at one of the tables flung hastily outside, and allowed herself to reminisce over the smell of noodles wafting from inside.

Patrons came and went, some even sat on top of her without so much as the slightest twitch. At first she noticed an accompanying tingling sensation, but it was soon dulled by experience and became a numbness which was easily ignored. Meroko sighed heavily, startling and startled by her startling of a nearby minion of the underrealm. Soon enough she was certain that he was staring at her in amazement, and she turned to speak to him, but he was gone before she had even risen from her false chair. For everything was fake here to her, and she passed her hands in wonderment through the umbrella outside the noodle shop, and finally stood and danced right through a large man carrying a bag of useless items in one of a million meaningless tasks.

Meroko's cheer soon returned, and she closed her eyes and thought dreamily of Takuto and Mitsuki, wondering at their probable talking and kissing since their incredible reunion, joy bubbling in her heart as she thought contentedly of her role in its arrangement.

Sighing softly, she opened her eyes to find herself in a strange alley, filled with a white light suffused with brilliant colors which seemed to emanate from all around and within her. Startled, her gaze soaked in the light, and she was awed by its sheer brilliance and her quick adjustment. Confused as she was, Meroko hardly noticed as she entered the main path and proceeded to bump into and knock over a dusty blonde haired boy just about her height.

Recognition dawned momentarily in her mind, but was quickly clouded by a gentle outside pressure, and the boy stood and offered his hand to her amidst a sea of her apologies and bows. He bowed back to her with a grace and ease of manner which caught her off guard for a moment before she regained enough composure to truly take in her surroundings and gasp with sheer amazement.

His "Have you just arrived here?" and still proffered hand went unnoticed by Meroko as she gasped at the endless hazy white towers which stretched through the sky far past the limit of her vision, absolute masses of angels roaming about on innumerous duties hither and yon, and beautifully carved stone buildings lining the immense marble walkway on which she now lay. Yet, massive though the crowds were, nobody seemed uncomfortable, rushed, or lacking for space, a few of the passers-by even seemed surprised to see two people having just collided into each other, as if it were something new to their world.

Meroko was brought back to the present by the soft laughter of her victim, who seemed to be greatly enjoying himself at her expense, and had even retaken his fallen position next to her. Meroko's face swiftly shaded to the color of her accoutrements, giving her sliced hair a light red glow which further warmed her cheeks and face. The boy's hazel eyes widened with this impression upon them and soon it was his turn to blush a light red.

The two seemed separated for a time from their surroundings, alone on the distant plane of themselves, though the brief pang of familiarity tugged uncomfortably at Meroko's heart before the budding love she felt bubbled over, and she pounced on top of him with a hearty hug, leaving him breathless and the both of them struggling to rise amidst a renewed fit of laughter. The tide of people seemed to swell as attention was slowly focused towards the two, causing their peals of laughter to again turn crimson scarlet as they hovered into the air and down the street.

"You're quite a beautiful lovely rabbit," said the boy to her, and Meroko's only response was the swelling love in her heart as she giddily smiled at him. They floated along for some time, hand in hand now, before Meroko finally had compulsion enough to speak.

"What is your name?" she asked of him.


His response was drowned by a gentle voice in her mind, however, and so she did not get to know the identity of her first heavenly friend.

"Meroko, it is time for you to complete your first assignment. Just follow your heart to find the way."

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