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"Are you nervous?" I asked him as we walked up towards the from door of my dad's resident in Charlotte, North Carolina.

"Ofcourse, I'm suddenly going to be his son in law." He laughed.

"I'm sorry, but thank you for doing this," I took a deep sigh.

"You've said those exact words so many times already" he held out his hand for me.

"Sorry" I placed my hand on his, our fingers tightly held together and He let out another laugh and shook his head. "Let's do this."

He knocked on the door a couple times and seconds later my dad opened it from inside.

"Charlotte!" He smiled widely-so happy-he laid his eyes on me for a second before going to my fiancé , then straight to our hands being held, for ages was what it felt like.

"Ric" AJ nodded as an act of greeting.

"AJ! So you're the man!" He patted his arm before moving out of the door way, "please come in, dinner is ready."

We walked into the house, I looked around. It Was exactly what I remembered. I smiled at the familiar scenery as AJ scanned the room quickly.

I dragged him towards the dining table as my dad was already there sitting, watching us. it was a little uncomfortable.

"Please, take a seat" he smiled.

Dad sat in the centre, I took a seat right next to him as AJ sat on the opposite side facing me.

Dinner went well, dad and AJ mainly talked about them back then in wrestling as I mostly listened.

It wasn't as bad as I thought..

"So when's the wedding?" Those words suddenly came out of my fathers mouth.

I swear I almost choked on my food or something.

"Oh right.. Wedding..?" AJ looked at me, his foot under the table kicked mine.

"Wedding?" I kicked him back, eyeing my father the whole time.

"Yes ofcourse the wedding? For my only daughter, Charlotte flair." He gestured to me, then taking a sip from his glass of wine, "Besides you're marrying AJ styles, the man you love. Ofcourse, so how's the planning?"

"Umm.." Oh shit. I never told AJ that the wedding would be anytime soon.

I didn't even know to be honest.

"Ashley? Is there something you want to tell me? Stop mumbling" he eyed me, waiting for an answer.

"Dad. It's ju-"

"Umm.. The wedding! Planning! It's going great!" AJ said suddenly and I watched him with my jaw slightly dropped.

I quickly sat up properly, "it's going great actually. You don't need to worry" I ensured my dad.

"Okay good. I picked a good date, June 9."

This time I think AJ almost choked, "You mean this coming June 9?"

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