The truth

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                             he can't but what if he does I mean who cares I'll just forget about it
At the joke shop
Kylie:wow that prank was so funny
Dusty:I know
Bailey:that guy looked so silly
Herman:yeah when I fooled him
Everyone laughs
Chance walks in
Chance:hey guys
Kylie:oh hi chance
Chance:uhh hi Kylie
Bailey:I just got an idea for a prank
Dusty:ooh what is it
Bailey: an alien prank
Herman:let's get to it then

After the prank and the laughter
Kylie:that was so cool
Chance:you're so cool
Kylie's POV
Chance is so cute I really like him and I think he likes me anyway
Kylie:thanks ur cute too
.....uhhh I mean cool ur cool too
Bailey smirks
Kylie:uh anyway Bailey and I have to go see u guys tomorrow
Uncle will:bye guys

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