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In school
Dusty:hey,Kylie how was your double date
Kylie:oh it was magical
Herman:hmm sounds interesting but the sad part is that we weren't invited
Kylie:yeah whatever now about me jason and I are dating now he's just so cute with his big brown eyes and his wonderful smile and Herman your right I haven't been spending time with you guys so from now on I'm gonna stick to you two like glue
Dusty:we're not that desperate
Herman:I am
Kylie:shhhhh Jason's coming
Herman:we're not even talking
Jason:hey guys
Dusty:hey Jason kylie was just talking about you how ur big brown eyes are so cute
Herman:and your wonderful-
Kylie:don't listen to them they're just making up stuff not that what they are saying isn't true
*they just keep staring into each other's eyes for like 10 minutes*
Herman:uh guys u have been staring into each other's eyes for like 10minutes
Kylie:what do you expect we're dating get used to it
Jason:yeah cause we're going to do it a lot
Bailey:hey guys
Kylie:oh hey Bailey nice top looks great on you
*everyone just looks at her with a confused look*
Kylie:what?  It does
Chance:hey guys
Dusty:hey man how's it going
Chance:it's good I'm sure u guys are wondering why I'm late
Dusty:acctually no
Kylie:don't really care
Jason:not really
Herman:didn't we come to school together?
Chance:yeah but Mrs Danielle's stopped me to sign up for the home economics project
Dusty:what's it about
Chance:taking care of an egg
Kylie: yawn and you acctually signed up wow you really are jobless I'm so happy we don't have to sign up
Chance:rude! And you do have to sign up and we're gonna be in pairs
Bailey:ugh seriously
Herman:how long is it for
Chance:three days and it's worth 80% of our grade so the egg must not break
Kylie:that sounds like a challenge
Jason:it does?
Kylie:why don't we all make a bet the last pair standing gets to make you do what ever they want
Jason:challenge accepted
Kylie:he can say whatever he wants, Bailey it's just you now so deal or no deal
Bailey:why are you being so nice all of a sudden
Kylie:ugh cause you know................look Bailey your my cousin and I know we fight but not as bad as this I just miss when we use to prank call dusty,Herman and Chance-
Dusty:wait that was you??
Kylie:did you just interrupt me
Dusty:I am so sorry... Ma'am
Kylie:as I was saying we used to have fun together talk walks together ride our bikes together since we were little and we can't just let a stupid fight get in between us I'm soo so sorry for everything I said and did to you do u forgive me
Bailey:yes I do and I'm soo so sorry too so friends
Kylie:yeah friends
*they hug each other*
Chance:finally u have been fighting for like a week
Dusty:shut up chance don't ruin the moment
Kylie:so what class do we have next
Bailey:I hate geography might as well just go or we'll be late
You all might think since they have made up there won't be anymore drama but that's were your wrong just stay tuned to this book and vote please and i appreciate all the views thank you so much

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