He asked me out!!

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I know,I know you guys would be like yes she FINALLY posted I've just not been in the mood to write and I have been working on this chapter for a while anyway hope u enjoy it😃
At the movies
Bailey:finally they are here I expected it to be the other way around
Chance:I see u two have made up
Kylie:eww no
Jason:well let's go buy the tickets and forgot to tell you I changed my mind we're watching Spider-Man Homecoming
Kylie:you like Spider-Man too? We just have so much in common don't we
Jason:we sure do
Chance:yah yah let's go the movie is about to start
Kylie:ready when you are Jason
Jason:well let's go then
In the screening room
Kylie:ooh there are good seats at the back
Bailey:I think we should sit in the front  it's better
Kylie:no the back is better
Bailey:no it's not
Chance:thats enough
Jason:u two are arguing like little kids
*they stick their tongues out at each other*
Chance:let's just sit in the middle
Jason:that sounds ok
Kylie:chance pass the popcorn
Bailey:shhhh the movie is starting
Ok now I haven't really watched the movie before YET so not everything I'm saying is going to be true acctually nothing of it is going to be true 😂😹
*jason fake yawns then puts his arm around kylie*
Kylie's POV
OMG Jason just put his arm around me I think he is warming up to me but I'm thinking should I play hard to get?🤔nah that never works and this movie is just sooooo cool now enough thinking I need to concentrate....
Chance's POV
Did Jason just put his arm around Kylie and she didn't go all jujitsu on him the last time I did that I regretted it,well I guess she really likes him well two can play at that game *fakes yawn and puts his arm around Bailey and Kylie doesn't even take one glance*
Kylie:that movie was.... Ok well not that much action
Jason:yeah a movie without enough action is just bad
Bailey: well I thought it was great what did u think chance
Chance:huh? What happened oh right I think the movie was good too
Jason:so does anyone wanna grab a bite or something cause I'm starving
Chance:I'm way ahead of u why don't we go to McDonalds
Bailey&Kylie:But it's so far
Jason:it's just two blocks away
Bailey:well two is more than one it's still too far
Kylie:unless are u thinking what I'm thinking
Bailey:I sure am but that doesn't mean we have made up
Chance:oh no ur not acctually going to make us
Jason:please don't
Kylie:come on let's go
Bailey:chop chop
*the boys panting and the girls chuckling*
Jason:Kylie I know we're friends and all but you weight like a 100pounds
Chance:yeah what did u guys eat before u came rocks?!
Bailey:oh stop being babies
Kylie:anyway let's go make my order
Bailey:your order??
Kylie:oh sorry I meant our order

Employee:hey guys so what would u like to have today
Kylie:oh I'll just have fries with the mega burger with co-slaw on the side and tub of chicken-
Employee:the tub of chicken would be for all of u right?
Kylie:offcorce................NOT now where was I then I'll like umm... a Sprite thank u
Jason:when u said u were hungry u were serious
Chance:no kidding
Kylie:what I didn't even take that much than I usually do
The rest make their orders then they finish their meal
Kylie:wow that was really good
Jason:yeah um Kylie can I talk to u for a sec
Kylie:oh sure

Jason:so today was
Kylie:fun I know I had an amazing time too
Jason:I just wanted to ask u something
Kylie:yes? Yes yes it's finally happening his going to ask
Jason:would u be my girl friend
Kylie:oh you were talking to me and wait a second *does three cart wheels and squeals as usual*sure that sounds cool
Jason:I get the feeling u do that every time ur really happy
Kylie:yeah like the time Chance asked me if I wanted to join walk the prank.....Kylie what's wrong with you Chance has moved on he likes ur stupid cousin anyway back to my dream guy
Kylie:yeah also one of my gymnastic skills I can do so much more I acctually am really flexible Actually now I think about it I haven't really been practicing and-
*Jason just kisses her for 2seconds*
Kylie just has a wide smile on her face then they go back to Bailey and Chance and call it a day
Kylie:YES YES YES he asked me out I can't believe he asked me out and I have never ever ever been kissed on the lips I always thought I was disgusting and I still think it is but I'm happy my first real kiss was with him

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