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Kylie's POV
Chance just said he has nothing to hide so I guess he doesn't like me after all 😞

Chance's POV
That was close I have to stay away from Bailey from now on so she doesn't find out and I think Kylie is sad about something but I'm not sure and I really know she likes me now but I won't tell her how I feel just yet

Bailey:so chance I need to interview you
Chance:do you really?
Bailey:yes I do,now follow me to the case place
Chance,Herman,Kylie,dusty,uncle will: case what?!
Bailey:you heard me now come with me child
In the case place(the closet with camera's)
Bailey:so chance Baldwin how's life
Chance:uhh great,I guess?
Bailey:hmm great you say... So my cousin Kylie you know her right?
Bailey:😒anyway, what do you think of her
Chance:uhhh sh-she's a sweet pers-son
Bailey:sweet you say
Chance:just get to the point already
Bailey:ugh fine so chance you have been acting weird lately nothing new but why or do you get shy because of someone😉
Chance:ok first stop that thing your doing with your eye brows and cool pranksters like me don't get shy because of anything
Bailey: oh really I'll be right back wait here
Back to were the rest are
Herman:is the interview over yet
Bailey:I just need one more thing, kyls follow me
Back to the case place
Bailey: ok Kylie stay on the sit right next to chance
Kylie:oh k?
Bailey:a little bit closer
Kylie moves closer
Bailey:now Kylie what do you think of all of us
Kylie:ok I'll start with-
Bailey:hey here's an idea start with chance
Bailey's POV
I know that these two like each other and chance us one of my best friends and Kylie is my favorite cousin and I just want what's best for them
Back to the interview
Kylie:chance is a-a really cool,nice,cute,wonderful guy and a great friend
Chance blushes and so does Kylie when she realized what she said
Bailey:thanks guys now I have my first story chance and Kylie CHYLIE
Kylie and chance look at Bailey with their mouths wide open
Author's note
I don't think anyone really likes this book should I continue it I think I'll just delete it

GOTCHA!! There is no way I'm deleting this book I just got to the good part

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