The big scare

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Jason:hey guys
Kylie:hello Jason Christopher Cooper
Jason:how do you know my middle name
Kylie:oh that really is your middle name I just guessed
Jason:so what are you guys doing after school today
Bailey:I'm umm Kylie and I are grounded sorry
Chance:I have to go visit my umm grandmpa
Herman:yeah that's what we call our grandma and grandpa together
Jason:what about you dusty
Dusty:I have to study have a test
Jason:oh well ok I guess I'll just be at home doing nothing
Kylie:oh trust me you won't be doing nothing
Jason:what was that
Kylie:oh nothing, nothing at all
*lets just fast forward to the prank*
Kylie:ok dusty,Chance are you ready
Dusty&chance:yeah we are
Kylie:ok do you have the voice stuff
Kylie:ok make the call
*makes the call*
Jason:hello? Sorry who is this
Chance:great you asked I'm your worst nightmare
Jason:is this a prank or something
Dusty:don't listen to us and you'll really know what a prank is
Jason:what makes you think I'll listen
Chance:well if you don't well tell your girlfriend that you've been cheating on her
Jason:fine I'll do whatever you want just don't tell her please
Dusty: come to an alley by the rosewood park be there in 20minutes
Chance:don't disappoint me or else
*ends the call*
*they all burst into laughter*
Kylie:that was hilarious he sounded so scared
Herman:and your voices were so cool too
Bailey:uh hello we said he should be there in twenty minutes don't you think we should get there before him
everyone except Bailey:oh right

In the "alley"
Jason:all right I'm here what do you want
A voice:how could you Jason
Jason:who said that
Another voice:I trusted you
Jason:where ever you are come out
*five girls come out wearing a long white dress with scary make up saying*(you must be wondering were the five girls came from they had been standing there since they just came out of the dark)
They all Chant:how could you *in a creepy voice*
Jason was so scared when each girl came out now he's even more scared when the started chanting
*the guys sneak up on him from behind and say "YOU JUST WALKED THE PRANK"
Then he falls to the ground
Jason:wait what
This is different they didn't film the prank so they don't get in trouble for doing this to him
Kylie:that's what you get next time don't mess with this girl
Everyone except Jason laughs then he gets up and starts leaving
Kylie:oh wait Jason I just want to tell you something don't talk to me,don't text me,don't look at me, don't even think of being friends with us and if you want to apologise I forgive you
Kylie:yeah I don't want you too feel guilty but I'm still really mad at you,should be happy that time I said something about making a juice and calling it heart breaker during lunch I was talking about you and also were not friends at all don't care if your sorry or not WE ARE NOT FRIENDS got it? Ok toddles
He goes away
Dusty:that was our best prank ever
Bailey:did you see the look on his face
Chance:yeah I think he peed his pants
Herman:that was so funny
Kylie:well we all better head home it's getting late and Herman your parents said I need to tuck you in your bed and read you a bed time story since they're out late
Dusty:your not even embarrassed
Herman:why should I it's Kylie tucking me in
Kylie:aww that's so sweet
Kylie:Did I just say that what's wrong with me I can't like you Herman cause your Herman but if you were my age,taller and cooler I'll acctually have liked you kind of
Everyone looks really really surprised this time
Chance:did Kylie Grey just say that
Kylie:ugh what's wrong with me anyway let's just go I'll meet you at home Bailey and bye dusty
Bailey:k bye
Dusty:bye guys
Kylie:let's go and we're not talking about anything that just happened again ok?
Herman:well I can't keep that promise unless
Kylie:unless what
Herman:unless you also give me a goodnight kiss
Kylie:on your cheek there's no way I'm acctually going to kiss you and you guys have mouth wash right?
Chance:yeah we do a full bottle
Kylie:just what I need ok we're here do you have a key or something
Chance:obviously *opens the door with a key*
Kylie:Herman:go change to your pyjamas
Kylie:Chance where's the mouth wash
Chance:oh right follow me

Chance:here you go
Kylie: thanks I really need this

Then Kylie goes back home
Then she goes to baileys room for a while
Kylie:you won't believe what happened
Kylie:I had to kiss Herman on the cheek
Bailey:ewww why
Kylie:he said I had to or he'll tell people about what happened
Bailey:oh I understand
Kylie:it took a lot and I mean a lot of mouth wash
Bailey:I understand before you became friends with the guys Herman use to have a crush on me and he proposed to me once
*she starts laughing so hard*
Bailey:but now your here I'm free from him
Kylie:.ugh why do I have to be better looking than you *chuckles* anyway I need to get some sleep
Bailey:ok but don't dream of Herman the person that you think is cute for some reason
Kylie:I hate you

Ok that's the end of this chapter hope you enjoyed and by the way Herman and Kylie are not going to be in a relationship it's just going to come up sometimes about Kylie talking about him  sometimes that's all it was just meant to be a joke sorry some people might have wanted that to happen but Kylie is 12 and Herman is 10 in the story so it can't happen anyways the next chapter would be published this week hopefully

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