Part 13

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At the joke shop
Bailey:I'm so bored
Herman:me too and stop giving me death stares Kylie you already made me end up in crutches
Kylie:well if you don't shut up or you'll end up in a cast
Dusty:Herman just shut up
Bailey:yeah what did you tell your mum and dad about the crutches
Chance:I told them he was attacked by a pack of squirrels
Kylie:wow and they believed?
Chance:they didn't I just gave them this cute puppy dog eyes and boom
Kylie:well it is cute
Everyone looks at her with their eyes wide open
Kylie:okay okay that's enough I like you Chance it's ok if you don't like me and-
Chance:it's okay I like you too
Bailey:duh I can't believe you too didn't notice that
Dusty:yeah I think I noticed when you guys were complementing each other
Kylie:ok okay we get it so
Uncle Will:*whispers*just ask her out already
Dusty hits his back
Chance:Kylie Samantha Grey would you go out with me
Kylie:first my middle name isn't Samantha and second yes
They hug
Baileys POV
OMG I'm so happy for them CHYLIE finally is happening
Kylie:not so fast Chance now where is our first date going to be
Chance:oh right so I was thinking dinner offcorce then a carriage ride then
Kylie laughs so hard
Kylie:there is no way I'm going on a carriage I'm thinking we got to the amusement park
Herman:your one lucky man
Kylie:I know right
Chance:yeah she's so cool
Wow I feel so good to say that without sounding weird
Bailey:oh Chance you sound weird anyway
Kylie:one the reasons why I like him anyway I'm too lazy too go through my closet to find something to wear Bailey would you help me
Bailey:oh sure
Uncle Will:your asking Bailey for fashion advice you must be desperate
Bailey:heyyyy I've gotta go do my homework or I'm gonna be grounded cause I haven't been doing well in my classes
Kylie:oh I can help you I might be cool and pretty but I'm smart
Bailey:ok let's go
Bailey,Kylie:bye guys
The guys:bye

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