We should see other people

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It was too late for anyone to visit Kylie and Bailey could not see Kylie because she locked her room
Kylie's POV
I'm so sad, I can't believe I broke up with chance but it was the right thing to do I'm just not in the mood today just gonna go to school come back home and stay in my room well have to get ready
In school
Herman:hey guys heard anything from Kylie
Bailey:I live with her and I've got nothing
Dusty:oh look she's coming this way
Kylie just walks past like their not even there
Bailey:well that just happened
Chance:I don think she's still mad
Dusty:yeah you can't hold a grudge for that long
Bailey:acctually she can once she didn't talk to me for five months
Chance:five months?!
Herman:it is acctually your fault if you and Bailey didn't have a thing going on we would all be friends right now
Bailey:umm well it's time for are um science class
Herman:we have science tomorrow
Bailey:oh then um whatever we have a class
Lunch time
Still Kylie's POV
I know,I know I have been ignoring them but I just don't want all the drama right now so I'm just gonna sit alone now it can't be that bad........................................................OK it is that bad I need more friends
......?:hey why are you sitting alone
Kylie:oh no reason I just go solo
........?:well is this seat taken
Kylie:n-no you can have it and by the way I'm Kylie are you new here
Jason:I'm Jason I just moved here and I don't have friends yet but I think I do now
Kylie:oh who
Jason:wow your slow, it's you
Kylie:oh right so what are your hobbies
Jason:oh I love sports,pranking,and just saying I'm a vegetarian because i feel bad for the animals when I eat meat or chicken or anything like that
Kylie:aww that's so sweet and I love pranking too we sure do have a lot in common
Jason:yeah we do
Back to the others
Dusty:I feel bad your the ones who upset Kylie now she's sitting alone
Herman:not anymore and look the guy is making her laugh aww so cute
Chance:uhh Herman
Chance,Baileydusty:SHUT UP!
Herman:alright no need to yell
Later Jason and Kylie finish talking
Herman:hey Kylie
Kylie:oh hey Herman and dusty how's it going
Dusty:oh it's great
Kylie:oh and chance I don't mind if you and Bailey date I'm ok with it we should see other people well bye
Herman:so Kylie does that mean your available
Kylie:eww no
Chance:oh well then Bailey *raises up his eyebrows*
Bailey:too soon
Chance:oh right and you guys don't think when she said we should see other people she was talking about that stranger she was talking too
Dusty:hmm not sure

Kylie's POV
I really think Jason is a nice guy well nicer than chance and I know it's too soon but he's just so perfect but too perfect I really hope he likes me too......................
Jason's POV
The girl Kylie I met today is so cool and we are so similar but I think she has a boyfriend but I'm not sure but I hope she likes me back wait Jason you have only met someone just for 30min and your in love.... Well I still like her

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