Chapter 4

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A/N ~ Hello everybody! I'm sorry for the late update but like they say better late than never right? Hehe. Anyways there may be a few differences with the way that I usually make my chapters but that will not change the story line. Anyway hope you enjoy ~ Goodbye ❤️

< Juvia's POV >

"Will you go out on a date with me"
Those exact words repeated in my head like a thousand times I had no idea he felt like this about me. I was definitely more than just shocked considering we had become very good friends. It's amazing how I never even thought about us being in this kind of situation.

"I'm sorry Josh but I don't feel that way about you, you see I only see you as a dear friend and nothing more" I said

The moment I said that I immediately regretted it. Josh came running towards me pushing me up against a nearby tree. I never expected him to be so strong. I tried using my magic but for some reason I wasn't able to. It was like something was holding me back, probably because I didn't want to hurt him. He was once a dear friend but after this not anymore.

He pinned me up against the tree, putting my hands above my head, he came close he went up to my ear and said,

" I will not be rejected by you, you are mine and I am not just gonna let you go so easily."

After he spoke those horrible words to me he backed away and started laughing like a maniac. I really hoped that someone from the guild would help me. But I doubt anybody could even hear us considering that we could hear the loud ruckus all the way over here. I really doubted that we were louder than that.

" Now Juvia, I'm gonna ask you once more, will you go out on a date with me" he said batting his eyes like a little girl.

"Never" I replied

Seconds after he came up to me and punched my gut then kicked my legs nonstop. It was horrible. I screamed as loud as I could hoping someone would hear and come to my rescue but no one did.

"If you were to of just said yes then I wouldn't have to be doing this to you"
He said in an evil voice

Soon enough he started punching and beating me up again and I continued screaming for help, until we heard a twig crack. Footsteps coming closer and then we finally saw who it was. I don't think I was ever so thankful to see 'him' in my life.

"Let her go right now!" 'He' demanded

Josh almost instantly let go of me and walked away. I fell to the ground, looking up only to see Josh running away like a coward. Then my savior came close as I fell unconscious. He picked me up bridal style and took me in the direction of the guild. But just before I completely fell into my deep slumber I was able to tell him the one special thing I really wanted to say to 'him' at the moment and that was...

" Thank you, Natsu"

< Natsu's POV >

Right before Juvia's fell unconscious she thanked me and that kinda made me feel good about myself. I'm just thankful that I was able to get there on time thanks to my dragon hearing skills.

Once I got to the guild everybody started asking me questions about what happened to Juvia but I made it my priority to take her the infirmary first. After I layed her down on one of the beds Wendy came in and started to try to heal her wounds. Thankfully she wasn't heavily injured and it was easy for her to heal since she is technically made out of water. After Wendy left I was gonna go get some food with happy but Erza came in and told me to take care of Juvia for the night, just go make sure that Josh didn't come back. But if it weren't for Juvia's protection I would have left.

Later on I fell asleep and woke up in the morning already. I looked over to Juvia but she was still asleep so I went to get some food since Mira was already in the guild I decided to just get some from her. I ended up getting some for Juvia too, just in case she was hungry when she woke up.

So after I finished eating I went too the infirmary with Juvia's food. Once I was inside I decided to get a little more rest but after a few minutes I felt a lot of shifting and turning so I managed to mumble a 'Stay Still' and then it stopped a few seconds later, something started to brush my hair and that's when I just decided to get up and see who or what it was.

Now that was a sight I would never forget it was Juvia inches away from my face blushing and staring at me with awe clearly seen in her eyes, her hands were in my hair and as soon as she noticed that I was awake she backed away and looked away like if she didn't do anything.

It was such a funny yet adorable sight, especially when she backed away blushing, she was so cute, although it's not like I have a crush on her or anything, it's just that sometimes you just get caught in the moment ya know.

Speaking of the moment, her reaction was so funny that I just started laughing non stop. Juvia just stared at me like if I was a weirdo but later on joined me in laughter. That was probably the first time we ever actually sort of bonded.

After the laughter died down between us I decided to give her food and she ate it, then changed, and then she left, with just saying the simple words thank you and see ya later.

She really has changed.

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