Chapter 3

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A/N ~ Hello my loyal readers, I hope you like this chapter ~Goodbye❤

♤ Josh's POV ♤

It's been a month since me and Juvia became friends. She's been letting me stay at her place meanwhile I get enough money to get my own place. Good thing is Juvia doesn't have to worry about rent because the place was for sale not for rent. Although I really don't know if her place is a house or apartment because they call it an apartment but there is no other house nearby.

I got to say I sometimes feel inferior to Juvia because she's such a powerful mage while I'm just a regular human. Either way, it doesnt matter because anybody, mage or human, can make Juvia fall for them. My goal is to make her give up her love for Gray and fall in love with me.

First, I tried to send her pictures of him with other chicks but it seems to be ineffective except for the fact that she still has them and cries to them almost every night. Sometimes I wonder if I really should have sent them to her. Oh well *sigh*

Anyway, today is the day I'm going to go to step #2 of my mastermind plan. But I'll leave that for you to find out .

♡ Juvia's POV ♡

I was at the lake behind the guild eating some chips and I was wearing some of the clothes that Erza had gave me. They were surprisingly comfortable. I was starting to get tired but I decided to stay at least a little bit longer.

Later on I heard someone walking towards me so I turned around and saw Josh standing there with a big smile. He seemed happy, maybe a little too happy. But I just let it go.

"Hey Josh, how are you" I said

" I'm great, actually I just remembered I wanted to ask you something if that's alright with you" he said in a weird but cheerful tone

" Sure, what is it?"

"Okay umm.....
Will you go out on a date with me?"

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