Chapter 5

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< Juvia's POV >

After I said goodbye to Natsu I went straight home knowing that Josh was probably already gone from town anyway. Either way if he ever were to come back I think I would be able to defend myself this time.

Thankfully Josh was long gone and I was able to think about a way to thank Natsu for saving me last night. Although I didn't want to go over board especially now that I was getting over my habit of obsessing over stuff.

I decided to just bake him some cookies and that if he ever needed anything I would just do him the favor of helping him out.

First, I went to go take a shower and changed clothes cause I was still a little dirty from last night. Then, I baked four batches of chocolate chip cookies, 2 for Natsu since he eats a lot, 1 for the guild, and 1 for me.

After, I put the cookies in a basket I went to the guild and handed them out. I was on my way to the table that Natsu was sitting at but I noticed that he was alone and had this face of boredom and sadness, which is rare for him, so I figured something was wrong.

"Are you okay Natsu" I asked

He slowly looked up, faking a smile in the process but then frowning.

"Not really, my  team left on a mission without me and even Happy left me for Carla" he whined

"Oh... well if you want I could go on a mission with you as a thank you for last night and I also have these cookies for you"

I immediately noticed his face light up at my offer

" Wow for real! Thanks Juvia"

" You're Welcome Natsu-san" I blushed. 'why did I say that?!'

" Juvia... " He looked me in the eyes with such a serious face *gulp*

" Will you choose the job for us I'm gonna go pack " He yelled running away fast. I swear he acted like a 6 year old kid sometimes. 

I walked over to the request board and my eye was caught by a certain paper that was filled with color. It said that there was a sea monster that had made Akane Beach it's territory and was terrorizing the visitors . The pay was great, it seemed like an easy job.

I guess we'll be taking this on. I grabbed it and walked over to where Mirajane was.

" Good evening Mirajane -san, I would like to go on this job" 

" Okay but you're not going alone are you?"

" No, actually I'm going with Natsu-san"

" Natsu -san huh?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I giggled 

" It's nothing "

" Okay then" she wrote it down on the book of jobs I guess and then I left thanking her on my way out. 

 I walked home and started packing. I got together three days worth of clothes , 2 bathing suits and my pajamas . These missions usually didn't take long  but it was always better to be safe than to be sorry right? I 

I stuffed everything into my suit case which in case you're wondering was actually the color gray with blue lilies draw at the bottom. It was so cute to me cause the suit case was small to begin with. As I was admiring my suit case two  thoughts came to my head  'at what time were we supposed to meet and where?' 

I went to my  communications lacrima which I kept in the living room and called Natsu. Surprisingly he answered almost immediately .

" Hey Juvia" 

" Hello Natsu-san? "


 " Um where and when do you want to meet " 

" Uh let's meet up at the train station today at 5 pm okay?"

"Okay, see you then Natsu-san" We hung up.

I turned around and looked at my clock ...3: 23.I walked to my roomed and finished packing all of my extra girl necessities. I checked the clock again ... 4:12. I'M BORED! I stood up from my bed and changed my clothing. I put on a purple long sleeve shirt and some leggings but then I thought that they might have been too thin so I put some jeans on top of them ,I put on a sweater and some warm socks with some fashionable shoes if I might say. I grabbed my luggage, put on my coat and walked through the town towards the station. 

Now you may be asking yourself ' why are you wearing so many warm layers of clothing?' Well it's still the late stages of winter here in Magnolia and as a water mage I am very sensitive to any type of weather except of course rainy weather. anyway that's all you need to know back to my love story...

I arrived at the train station at 4:56 and waited for Natsu, who came at 5:02, surprisingly not so late. We waited for the train together and silently. When it arrived we had to wait for the passengers to get off and then we went on but on our way in I bumped into someone and almost fell down but I only went backwards a little because Natsu grabbed my arm . 

I looked up and was surprised to see him I blushed madly but immediatly tried calm down, which I did. I had no idea what to say although I probably should've said sorry, the only words that came out were...

" Gray -sama"

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