Chapter 7

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A/N ~ The whole story will probably be in Juvia's POV unless said other wise and thank you for those of you who have waited for me to update. I was recently inspired to continue writing and I have some free time so I will be writing often. That's it for now, I hope you guys/girls  like the story so far. By the way this story is the part where some people do "it " 


We stepped out of the train and and walked to the nearby town. The job request stated that it was the Akane beach life guards community that requested them to help out.

" We should go straight to the beach and get this over with " Natsu seemed very energized. I guess all he needed was a good rest. 

" No Fire brain we need to go to the client first and then get some rest in a hotel or something. Don't you think Juvia?" 

" I agree with Gray " I said " We need to be well rested in the morning so that he can do this at our maximum power and I think that the client should know that we've arrived first right?"

" Yeah I guess" Natsu seemed bored all of a sudden. We walked toward the beach and there was this small beach house. We figured they might've been there so we walked towards it and sure enough, they were there. It was a group of five people, two women and three guys. 

" Hello we're from the Fairy tail guild and we were looking for the Akane beach life guards community" Natsu anounced

" That's us " A man said. He seemed to be the oldest out of the group  " Will you be able to do the job tomorrow, it's a bit too late tonight"

" Yes, of course. That was our plan anyway but we wanted to introduce ourselves first" 

" How about we do introductions tomorrow along with the mission details" 

" O-okay, thank you very much" I bowed and we walked away. Now we had to find a hotel. Which we did find after 25 mins. Most places were booked and others didn't have enough rooms since we all wanted our own room. When we got to our floor we each separated and went into our rooms which were next to each each other.

I started unpacking and when I was about to finish I heard a knock on my door so I stuffed my stuff in the wardrobe cabinets and rushed over to the door. It was Natsu...

" H-hello Natsu- kun " I blushed. What is wrong with me ?! And that honorific though...

" Hey Juvia, can I talk to you for a minute"  

" Sure come in" He walked in and sat down on the bed looking down at his feet. His moods are definitely different than what they usually are. 

" So what's wrong" I sat down next to him on the bed and he looked at me. Slowly he turned his body towards me so I did the same. 

" I'm just kinda mad at Gray and I think we should just ditch him and get another job" He grabbed both of my hands while I stared at him wide eyed

" N-no, we shouldn't do that "

" Fine" he whined 

" Why don't you make amends with him." 

"Okay but you treat him special" 

" What do you mean Natsu-kun"

" I saw you the train doing some stuff with your lips. It looked weird but he seemed to enjoy it " He was definitely talking about the kiss, but I thought that he was sleeping. What am I supposed to do? Then he started leaning in slowly and closing his eyes. He kissed me...his lips were soft and then he pulled away. I looked at him in the eyes. Shock was definitely written all over my face and then Natsu's face was changed into worry. 

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