Chapter 11

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Juvia's POV

I woke up early the next morning and made breakfast for me and Erza.  I realize that last night I went back to my old self in the midst of thoughts and I don't think that it must've been very comfortable encounter for Erza. 

Later on she woke up and we ate breakfast together 

" I'm sorry about last night. I had a lot on my mind" I smiled at her 

" No it's fine " she said as she continued eating " Thank you for letting me stay last night, your couch was very comfortable compared to my bed" 

" Erza" I said seriously 

" Y-yes? " 

" I'll be leaving Fairy tail for a personal mission tomorrow and won't be coming back until I become stronger. I was wondering if you would please tell Master Makarov  for me " 

Her eyes widened in shock 

" Why?! You're strong enough already" 

" Just let me do this. I'll be packing all day today if you need me." I stood up and walked into my room telling her to leave whenever she wanted to as I started packing.

Erza's POV

As soon as I finish eating I walked to the guild and straight into the Master's office telling him that me and Juvia would be leaving for a long time. I know that Juvia wanted to go alone but I'll be accompanying her ever if she doesn't want me to. 

As I walked home I bumped into Gray. He seemed upset so we walked to the park to talk.

" What wrong Gray?" 

" I kissed Juvia" 

" I know" I said patting his back. His head shot up 

" What?! How did you know?" he exclaimed surprised as I chuckled

"Juvia told me " I smiled

" Oh " 

" So why are you upset exactly?' 

" Well the kiss was great but it's what a she said afterwards that got me thinking." he said

" What did she say? " I asked

" Well she said that I just kissed her out of lust and that she didn't want to get hurt anymore. I never realized that I was hurting her" 

" That's why I told you to give her a straight answer. Now you might just lose her" I mumbled the last part

 " Right. Anyways I should get going. I'll see you around" he said as he walked away.

 A few minutes later I got up and continued walking home and packed my bags and decided to sleep over at Juvia's place again. Although on my way over I bumped into the one and only Natsu, so I decided to talk to him.

" Are you upset with Juvia too?" 

" What?! No. What do you know?" He said with a deep voice looking me in the eyes. I faced him and looked him in his eyes.

" EVERYTHING" I smirked as he started blushing " Anyways what's wrong. I mean I thought you would be happy besides don't you like Lucy or Lisanna"

" Well I used to but I've been getting real feelings for Juvia and after that special nights between us I realized that I didn't want to let her go" 

I smiled at him. At least he's maturing and for the better. 

I arrived at Juvia's place as we said our goodbyes. I walked in and she looked at me surprised. 

" I am going to be going with you on this mission whether you like it or not " I said firmly 

Her face surprisingly lit up as she ran up to me and cried. I guess this has all been very hard for her. I think this decision was a good one...for the sake of all of us 

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