Chapter 9

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" What is our relationship" they said in unison. How the hell am I supposed to answer that?! Calm down Juvia ...

" We have no relationship" I said nervously 

"What?!" they both exclaimed in unison. They looked at each other at the same time.

" Stop copying me !" Natsu exclaimed and Gray was about to fight back but I glared at him.

" I just don't want to have too much drama and you two are more than any lady needs for a love life " I said trying to act calmly. They both looked at me with eyes of hope. 'What the heck is wrong with them?'

" So you think that we can be be part of you're love life" They both exclaimed, again in unison. I was shocked. How did they get that out of what I said. Then I repeated it in my head and then I realized how they got it. I started backing up slowly and they started coming closer. 

I got up and ran away. I went to the hotel and started packing. Minutes later I heard knocking. NOPE I'm not opening that. It stopped and I waited for around 5 minutes. I walked out with my stuff and they were both there sitting down against the wall. I immediately ran away knowing that they would need to get their stuff before they chased me. 

I got to the train station and boarded the train which arrived about a minute and thirty seconds (Yes, I counted) I sat down and then I heard Natsu yell my name and I turned around. They were both running towards the train which had luckily already started moving. I was relieved and once I got home I paid a quick visit to the guild to tell Mirajane that we were back and then I went straight to my house  I locked the doors shut my windows and put a water barrier around my home. It may seem a bit exaggerated but knowing those two they could destroy the place where I live and I wasn't willing to risk that. 

I cooked my self a quick dinner since it was already 5:07 and I hadn't eaten since breakfast. I made sure to keep the lights dim and later on I watch my favorite childhood movie "Ponyo" 

I had to make sure that they didn't know that I was home. Although they probably figured it out. They actually didn't come bother me. Maybe I tired them out. Oh well. When the movie was finished I decided to take a shower and go to sleep. Then I was awoken by the one and only...ERZA?  

" What are you doing here ? " 

                                                                                                TO BE CONTINUED...

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