Chapter 10

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" Erza-san" I whispered waking up slowly " What are you doing here?" 

" I'm here to talk to you...seriously" she said with a deep serious voice

I got up putting on my slippers and walking into the kitchen while she sat down in the living room. 

" Would you like some tea? "

" Yes please "

I boiled some green tea and gave her some, hoping that she will calm down.

" So what's up Erza-san" I asked cautiously. She blushed lightly and moved closer to me

" What's going on between you Gray and Natsu" she whispered 

" W-what do you mean nothing's going on" I exclaimed 

" Oh come on Juvia, they both came running into the guild asking for you and once they noticed that you weren't there they left giving each other glares in the process" she said seriously as I blushed

 " Look you're one of my best friends Juvia but I won't stop myself if you play with their hearts" 

" Erza  I'm not playing with their hearts. If anything they're the ones playing with me! Natsu himself said that he was going to fight for me! I mean what the hell does he mean!" I yelled standing up and looking down at her shocked face

" I'm sorry " I sat back down and looked at her

" No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed the wrong situation. I just don't want to see any of my friends get hurt " 

" I understand and I for one don't want any of this. I was just starting to get over Gray when he kissed me on the train and then doing it with Natsu threw my feelings all out of place..."  I whined soon realizing what I'd just said, I covered my mouth as Erza blushed madly

" What?! Gray kissed you and what's this about you and Natsu do-" I covered her mouth looking down in embarrassment 

" I've realized that I've said too much but I trust you and I hope you can keep all of this a secret" 

She relaxed and nodded as I removed my hands from her mouth and took a sip of some tea. This situation would never have started if I would were still my old self. I entered Fairy Tail in hopes to finally have friends, a family, but I guess all of this just weakened me. As I trailed of into thought I realized that I couldn't let everything stay this way forever. *sigh*

Erza's POV

I can't believe this all happened in the span of three days. Poor Juvia, after her sad past coming into this guild wasn't easy and then being peppy all of the time while acting like nothings wrong. she is very strong emotionally and physically, she just doesn't know it. 

I stood up and walked towards the window, looking through the curtain to see it raining. Is this Juvia's magic? I'm not much of a fan of rain but this was beautiful. i couldn't help but stare until I heard Juvia collapse. Her eyes were half open as she stood back up.

" You should stay here for the night" she said 

" What?!" I said as I had sinful thoughts blushing madly in the process

" It's raining isn't it? "  

" Oh y-yeah"

How did she know? Is it part of her magical abilities? Anyways I slept on the couch. Although a little bit of rain never hurt anybody, I felt that Juvia really didn't need to be alone. I just hope that everything will end up being alright.

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