Chapter 12

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~ One month later~

Juvia's POV

After a month of training with Erza day and night, I unlocked some new abilities along with a very special hidden magic which I'll keep secret for now ;) 

As we walked into the guild we were received with multiple hugs from various of our friends. Although my attention went to a certain two boys and of course you know who they are. I slowly walked up to them hugging them at the same time. Their eyes widened and eventually they hugged me back. 

" I missed you guys" I said as I pushed them away gently and smiled at them

They smiled back at me and said "Nice to see you again" 

" Yep um anyway can we talk....privately "

I whispered to them considering that by now everyone in the guild was staring at us. They nodded and we walked to my house. Once we arrived I unpacked all my clothes and put it all in the laundry machine as I changed into my sweats. It was currently 7:40 and I made some tea for them. When it was done I served them a cup and sat in front of them. 

" Listen the truth is that I like you both but I don't want to hurt you so please just get over me." I said in a hurried tone trying to be straight with them.

" What?! " they exclaimed in sync

" Well I think it's whats best for all of us"

" Well I'm not giving up" Natsu whispered but we both still heard him

 " Well me neither" Gray said and I couldn't help but feel my heart leap a little. I started blushing madly as they both stared at me intently. 

" How about we each get a chance to go on a date with her and then she'll chose" Natsu said smirking. I was about to disagree when Gray stood up and said that it was a good plan. They eventually said that they would be back tomorrow and left. They seemed incredibly cocky, although I wouldn't mind to go on a date with Gray or Natsu...

~ The next day~

I woke up on the sofa the next morning. I guess I fell asleep after they left, then it hit me they'll be here any minute. I stood up, ran to the restroom and took a quick shower. I can't believe I'm actually excited to be going out with those two. Although I did use to like Gray and I guess I wouldn't mind going out with him now. Then there is also that night that I had with Natsu. I immediately started to blush. What am I thinking?!

I got out of the shower and heard the doorbell ring.  I quickly ran to my room and started to put on my clothes as fast as I could. If that by any chance was Natsu he's capable of breaking down my door which is something that I am not willing to pay for right now. 

I ran down the stairs opening the door while taking in a deep breath. I looked up to see Gray standing there with a confused look on his face. 

" Hello... Gray- kun how ....are you today?" I said between breaths. 

" Hey so uh I'm here for our date" He smiled awkwardly 

I know that this might be a bit uncomfortable for him considering that it's usually the girl the one that flirts with him but he should know how a date goes right?

I know that he's been on many dates...with other girls. I put my head down and walked back in signalling him to come in. He entered closing the door in the process and handing me some flowers.

My face soon started to light up as I thought that I was finally one of those girls. Although I don't really like the idea of it I guess it's better than nothing.

" Thank you, Gray for doing this with me" I said while putting the flowers in a vase and filling it up with my water

" I-um you're welcome I guess"

Fine if you're not going to do it then I will. I quickly grabbed my stuff and pushed him out the door locked my place up in the process.

He looked at me like if I was a crazy women but I didn't care anymore. I walked up to him wrapping my arms around his and looking up at him smiling.

" So where are you going to take me to.... Gray-Sama" I said sweetly

I started to remember what it felt like back when I was madly in love with him.  After a long time of standing there I slowly started to feel him relax as we walked towards the town.

" Well I was planning to go to the amusement park. What do you think?"

"Ooh Juvia's never been to an amusement park before" I said covering my mouth in the process. Oh no I'm going back to my old self and after all of my hard work trying to be normal.

I started to panic what if he doesn't like me anymore because I'm my same old self. Then I felt something on my head I looked up to see Gray patting my head and smiling sweetly at me.

I started to blush as I realized that he had noticed.

" It's okay Juvia, I like you for who you are whether it be the new you or the old you"

I turned completely red as I almost fainted. I  think I want to be myself again. I'll think it over later for now I just want to enjoy my time with Gray... - Sama.

I lightly giggled as we walked to a nearby amusement park. I can't believe I'm finally able to see a place like this I really hope we can have a lot of fun like this again sometime. After all of this is over....

Then it hit me what if when I choose one of them the other starts hating me. I can't live with that weight on my shoulders. I like them both. *sigh*

How could I, the gloomiest girl, have ever gotten into this type of a mess.

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