Chapter 4

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Lizas POV

I enter the school doors and rush to my locker before people can see me. You might think I'm crazy. Or you could call it anxiety. I don't like people seeing me. I know some people love to be the centre of attention. I'd love if people forgot about me. Sadly I am the centre of attention to people. In the wrong way.

I quickly grab my science book and pencil case and head to my spot where Mia and I hang out. Mia is my best friend. And only friend.

I notice Kayla and her friends all in a circle. Her friends love to torment me. They cling to me like a magnet and comment rude things to me everyday. They tell me I'm ugly even though Kayla and I are identical twins. Somehow she's pretty though.

When they first started bullying id hate it, it even got to the point I had suicidal thoughts. But then I realised I should fight back. Which I do, but it doesn't mean I still dread every time they say something nasty.

I get to our spot and see Mia isn't here yet. I sit down and go on my phone. I see I have a new dm.


My heart starts beating fast. I see Kayla and her friends walking up to me and laughing. I dont care though.I jump and scream loudly.

"What's your problem?", Kaylas friend, Regina asks.

"Are you that scared of us?" Asks another girl laughing.

"David dobrik texted me." I say grinning in her face. She grabs my phone and reads what he says.

"Whatever," she says, but I can tell she's jealous. They walk away and one of her friends looks at me and smiles.

Well that was odd. I sit back down and realise people are looking at me. I blush and decide to walk to the library. I get inside the library and see Mia sitting with grace and Hannah , my two ex best friends.

I stop in shock and quickly walk to the other side of the library. Mia knows I don't like them! Whys she siting with them? I glance in their direction and they're looking at me. Mia says something quietly and they being to laugh and look over at me again.


"Dinners ready," mom calls.

I go downstairs and sit down. Kayla comes down shortly. Once everyone is eating dad clears his throat.

"Your mom and I were supposed to tell you this yesterday." Dad says.

"Tell us what?" Asks Kayla.

"We will be moving to Hollywood next week, I'm so sorry girls this is short notice, it's a big stress for all of us, please start packing as soon as possible we will need as much help as we can get from you girls," mom says.

Kayla and I look at each other and grin.

"WERE MOVING TO LA?!" I scream. I could meet David dobrik. My idol.

I finish dinner as soon as I can and rush to my room to start packing. "Goodbye Mia I won't be needing you anymore Bitch." I say holding a photo of us and chucking it in the bin. A few hours later I've completely packed my things, besides the stuff I'll need until we leave.

diza // fangirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ