Chapter 9

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Davids POV

The next day~

I walk into school not as gloomful as I usually am. When Liza came everything changed a bit. I don't know if I could call Liza a friend but I've never gotten so comfortable with someone so quick, especially a fan.

I think back to lizas words, why am I still with Gabbie. I don't think I really do love her anymore.

I see her at her locker, wearing a hat.

"Hey Davey!!" She says.

"Gabbie." I sigh.


"Your a nice girl but I don't think we should date anymore, I think we've grown apart." I say anxiously.

Her face falls. My heart breaks to see her like that. I'm just a sympathetic person though. I don't have feelings for her anymore.

I walk towards my locker and see Liza in her locker, she's next to mine.

"Hey," I say smiling.

"Hey!" She says cheerfully.

"I broke up with Gabbie."

She raises her eyebrows at me, "I'm impressed David."

I laugh.

"What do you have first?" I ask, trying to ignore the two girls screaming and pointing at me in the distance.

"Drama and sport, you?"

"Same," I say. I lean over here and check her timetable, we have all the same subjects, every single day. "That's weird!" She says.
"I guess it's meant to be," I say smirking.

She looks up at me and blushes a little, "yeah.."

I grin and look at her, she's really cute when she blushes.

The bell rings, "come, I'll show you where to go."

Lizas POV

We walk past Gabbie and she puts the finger up at me, I put it back up. David catches what I'm doing, "evil," he whispers smirking.

I blush, again. "David?"


"This is gonna sound weird. But, are we friends?" I ask.

"Of course, your the coolest person I know," he says smiling.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Dead serious." He says and grabs my hand and leads me inside the drama room.

We walk inside and he lets go of my hand but my hand still tingles. It feels weird. I'm never washing this hand...

David sits at the back with five other guys and I don't know what to do.

"Liza!" Crystal calls. I smile and sit next to her.

"I saw you holding hands with David when you came in!!" She says.

"It wasn't like that..." I say glancing over at David. He grins at me. I smile back then turn to crystal.

"I saw that smile," she says.

I shrug, "do you think he likes me?" I ask.

"Yeah. I mean he's never treated a fan like he treats you."

"It's weird, when I used to watch him he seemed like a really cool guy who was super famous but he's really just a kind guy who makes really funny videos. When I'm with him sometimes I forget he's a millionaire and he's just another guy." I say.

"Your so lucky, I've known him since grade five and I've never talked to him once," crystal says, "I've watched all of his videos 19 times each."

I raise my eyebrows, "what if I introduced you to him?" I ask.

Her eyes nearly pop out of her sockets.

"LIZA YOUR AMAZING!!" She screeches hugging me.

"Hey where's the teacher?" I ask.

"He barely comes, sometimes he never comes," crystal shrugs.

"So it's basically another free period?"

She nods.

I look to see what Davids doing. He's on his phone.

"David!" I say. He looks up.

"Come here!"

He sees me and walks towards us.

"Hey." He says.

"David this is crystal, she's a big fan." I say.

"Oh hey do you want to take a photo?" He asks.

"Yes please." She says quietly. They take a photo and politely talk for a bit.

"Hey we still haven't taken our photo," David says to me.

The bell rings and cuts us off.

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