Chapter 15

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Davids pov

I walk into health class with Liza and sit at the back corner, Liza sits next to me.

Joe walks in and sits in front of me.

"Hey joe!" Says Liza, I know she was only saying that because she's nice but still..

"Hey," he says grinning at her.
Gabbie walks in and sits next to joe.

"Hey Gabbie how's your hat fetish going?" Asks Liza.

I try not to laugh. Gabbie has to wear hats because she's half bald.

"Mind your own business bitch," says Gabbie and shoves lizas desk into her stomach.

Liza screams and falls to the ground, the desk landing on top of her.

"Liza!!" Says joe and gets up before I can. He picks up the desk and helps Liza up.

"You asked for it Bitch!" Says Liza and starts to throw hands but I grab her.

"Liza remember what your mom said stay away from Gabbie or you'll have to move schools," I say.

Liza ignores me and pulls out of my grip. But Gabbie has already ran out the room. Joe is cleaning up lizas stuff after it fell all over the ground. I sigh and sit down and look around. At least five people are recording.

"Stop recording idiots," I say. They stop instantly. Liza sits back down and ignores me for the rest of the lesson. I keep glancing at her. I still don't understand how a person can be so beautiful yet so bad.

Lizas pov

I get home after school and mom is already there waiting for me.

"Liza I heard what happened during your class, you tried to attack Gabbie. I'm afraid you will be moving for real this time and nothing will convince me to change my mind," mom says.

"But Gabbie shoved a desk into me!" I say.

"I don't believe you for a second Liza koshy, now go to your room," mom says.

I storm up to my room and lock the door.

"FUCK YOU GABBIE," I scream.

My phone pings and I see David texted me.

David- r u ok you were mad the whole day

Liza- mom says I'm moving schools for real now and nothing can change her mind

David- oh 😔

-the next day-

I get up and don't bother to make an effort for my new school. Nothing matters to me anymore I just want to be with David I already feel like a part of me is gone don't call me over dramatic.

I go outside and wait for the bus, the bus that goes to my new school comes earlier then my old one. It comes quickly and I get on and sit at the front and listen to music.

We get to school shortly and I get off and look around. It is massive with so many people. I walk inside through the doors and I see a teacher walking.

"Excuse me sir I am new where is the office place?" I ask.

"Down there," he says and walks off.
I roll my eyes and walk and see a place that looks like an office place.

I go in and say to the teacher all the boring stuff and she gave me a timetable.

There aren't lockers at this school we just have to carry our bag everywhere. I packed all my subjects in my bag and it's so heavy. I start to walk outside when a girl goes up to me, "omg your not Liza are you?!" She says, her friend is screaming.

"Yea I am why?" I say.

"Your David dobriks friend!! I've seen you in his snapchats and videos!! Please tell him I said hi!!" She says.

"Uh yea ok," I shrug. I didn't know people actually took notice of me.

"You can sit with us at lunch," says her friend.

I didn't really want to but I agreed anyway. The bell rang and
I was off on a mission to find where my math class was.

diza // fangirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora