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It was 2004.

The world indeed had moved on and we still had no answers of where we had ever been all this time; where I had been this last 20 years.

And we were still being locked up; six weeks had passed now and we were still in this white room they called quarantine.

I was feeling suffocated, specially since people were getting anxious to leave this place. And yet, no one was letting us leave.

The only good thing that came out of this place was the company; Shawn and I became even closer, our friendship grew, swapping stories of our times. He had been surprised to hear me say I was from 1984; yet, he didn't mind. He taught me some things I hadn't been around to learn, all this being both relieving and overwhelming for me to know these unfamiliar stuff.

This girl Maia, also had became a friend. She was a shy, mysterious nine year old girl, who besides of being from even more than 50 years ago and having not family to look after her after, she seemed to be the one to take upon the news even better than all of us who we still had families; yet, I liked Maia even if she seemed to know more than what she should.


Six weeks passed since we appeared when we finally were able to leave. When the doors of quarantine were finally open for us.

Shawn and I were given our numbers back, '0144' and '1798' respectively. The numbers were so our loved ones could find us easier. I was still nervous that no one would come for me.

I fidgeted with my card number as Shawn and I walked through the reunited returnees and their families.

"Your sister will come. Relax" Shawn reassured, "She's 30 now. She should have been informed"

I nodded slowly, "Hope you're right"

Shawn smiled. "I always am"

We heard someone yell Shawn's name, turning to face a blonde woman and boy holding Shawn's card number.

Shawn smiled recognizing them, "That's my family"

I smiled, "Go"

Shawn gave me a small hug and smile before running to his family.

I remained standing in the same place for a few seconds longer, awkwardly holding my card number, watching people left and right being reunited with their loved ones.

A small, sad smile played on my lips, resigned no one was coming for me, starting to back away toward the place we lived these past few weeks.

"Jacqueline?!" Someone shouting my name made me stop, looking around in confusion. "Oh, my God! Jackie!"

A blonde woman waved a number card, eyes wide in shock. I blinked at the woman as she locked eyes with me across the room.

The man standing next to her held her shoulders comfortingly, staring at me in shock as well.

"Jacqueline?" the man asked, glancing at my card number and then their own. His eyes widened, raising it, showing it to me. 1798. My number.

I walked to them, flickering my eyes between them constantly, stopping in the woman.

The woman's eyes were filled with tears "Jacquie"

Her eyes were familiar. "Taylor?"

The woman, Taylor. My sister let out a small sob, immediately wrapping her arms around me, "It's you" She sobbed, hugging me tightly. "You're here. You're back!"

I returned the hug, feeling my own eyes watering, suddenly feeling an overwhelming amount of relief crash into my shoulders, suffocating me. The only thing keeping me standing was my sister's arms around me.

Taylor pulled away, holding me at arms length, her eyes swiping over my frame in shock, "You haven't changed at all"

I forced a cheerful grin, "I can't say the same for you, Ty. Look at you!"

Taylor chuckled, glancing at the man next to her, "I still can't believe this"

"Believe it" The man told her gently. He looked at me, chuckling at my confused frown. "I feel no surprise you don't recognize me at all, I was eleven the last time you saw me"

"Oh?" I murmured in slight disinterest. For a reason, I couldn't care less who this man was. I looked back at my sister, "You married?"

Taylor nodded, resting her head on the man's shoulder, "Remember Max Rhodes?"

My eyes snapped to the man, narrowing them, "Little Mac? Your crush?"

Taylor gaped, a blush coating her cheeks, "Jack!"

The man, Mac chuckled teasingly. "Little 10 year old Ty had a crush on me?"

I didn't approve. Mac was mean to Taylor when they were little. How in God's name could she marry that?

I pursed my lips, forcing a smile. "I'm glad you weren't alone all this time"

And I was glad I wasn't alone in this time either.

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