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BEING SCOLDED by my sister after returning home that night wasn't pleasant.

"Why are you acting like this, Jackie?" Taylor asked, confronting me about my sneaking out.

"You wouldn't understand" I told her, crossing my arms.

"Try me" Taylor pleaded, walking to me, uncrossing my arms, holding them.

I sighed "I've been these past two weeks at Mount Rainier where I appeared with the other 4400's at night. I've been with people who really understand what I'm going through"

I pulled my hands out of her grip, backing away slightly, pushing away the sadness and the guilt she felt, though I frowned at the guilty feeling, not understanding it.

"I can try to understand you, Jackie" Taylor insisted, the guilt coming stronger making me flinch "But to do that, you have to talk to me"

"Was she with another freaks?" I didn't have to turn around to tell it was Mac talking as I easily now recognized his anger and hate towards me.

Taylor's mouth dropped in shock, looking at her husband.

"Mac!" Taylor scolded "Don't call them that! They're not freaks!"

There was doubt in her emotions, she wasn't sure about what she was saying.

She was lying.

"You're lying" I whispered, my eyes burning slightly. "You think we're freaks too"

Taylor looked at me, wide eyed

"See what I'm talking about?" Mac exclaimed "She knows the truth!" He  pointed at me "She knows what we're feeling. She's one of the freaks with powers"

"Max, honey please...." Taylor pleaded, glancing at me.

"Don't Taylor" Mac told her. "I'm tired of this, to pretend I'm okay with her with us" By now tears were falling free down my cheeks as I noticed Taylor's emotions were reacting to what Mac was saying but not in the contrary, but like saying he was right "Tell her the truth. Be brave to do that, to tell your sister what you really feel about her and all of the 4400's, if you lie she would know, cause she's a freak like that"

Taylor's eyes were filled with tears as well and looking at her closely, her emotions didn't lie. They we're agreeing with Mac.

More tears fell down my cheeks silently "You really think I am a freak, don't you?"

"No, of course not, Jackie" Taylor shook her head frantically but her emotions were enough to answer that question.

I looked between them accusingly "You're afraid of me, both of you are. Mac's angry at you because you can't accept that I'm different and also sad because you spend more time with me than him" I looked at Mac, not caring if he was shocked I was asserting to his feelings "He feels frustrated at me because I can't easily adapt to this time" I looked back at my sister to find her crying as well but that didn't stop me from taking, becoming angry, "When I look at you, there's all this guilt washing over you when you think I'm not looking and you try to hide it but it's still there. It's as if you feel responsable for me being abducted" Taylor looked shocked, covering her mouth as she looked at me now with a sense of fear "You're afraid because I know all of this without taking you to a therapy session and spill everything to a stranger. They are useless. I know more about them within a minute of looking at them than what they get to know about me in 30 minutes"

I panted, looking away.

"Jackie... How did you know all of that? " Taylor asked slowly, crying.

I didn't answer, but the answer was obvious.

"She felt it Ty" Mac told her coldly "Your sister feels others emotions, she's a freak"

That's it.

I ran away ignoring Taylor's calling, feeling bad that my own sister thought of that way...

Why think of me bad of something I have no control over?

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