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" I'm gonna kill you.."

A/N,  (this chapter is going to be a short one. The next one will be pretty long though)

Heidi's POV

Oh no, this is not happening right now

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Oh no, this is not happening right now. I guess Alessia meant it when she said Alex was going to get it. They are standing a few meters away first us having a stare down.

I really hope she doesn't explode and start a huge argument, because we were all just having a good friendship reunion here. I don't know why I'm lying to myself because for sure it's about to go down.

Since Alessia dropped her racket, I mean threw her racket, she has been clenching her fists so tight I'm scared she could punch a wall and not feel a thing, or maybe punch someone.


"Don't baby me Alexander, why didn't you tell me! "

"I'm sorry babe, I knew you would be mad"

Alex is trying his best to be calm and at the same time trying to calm his girlfriend down, because he knows what she's like when she's mad and he's doesn't want this to escalate.

"Mad, you think I'm mad! I'm furious !"

Alessia is very upset because her face is red hot and she keeps throwing her hands in the air and stomping her foot in the ground.

"I said I'm sorry, it wasn't my choice honey"

"Well you could have at least told me about this !"

"When I found out, I was shocked as well and well I just didn't know how to tell you because I knew you would react like this." Alex says looking straight at Alessia with a serious look on his face.

Alex is looking at Alessia with pleading and sorry eyes, the kind of look a puppy gives you, he really doesn't want to fight with her

"You can't Alex, you know how much Belinda hates me and this is just going to make her rub it in my face, and you always let her Alex, you literally stand there watching her make fun off me, Alex I'm your girlfriend !!"

"I know that and this wouldn't be such a big problem if you weren't so jealous of Belinda all the fucking time Alessia ! Get over it for once, you're so fucking childish sometimes!"

These two are exchanging fire at a whole different level.

My mouth is hanging open..
I cannot believe Alexander just said that. They are both very upset right now, but Alex just took it to a whole new level. I would jump in and defend Alessia but I don't think it's any of my business.

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